
test results

Euro_d said:
V Well. it is not a simple task for me to give an exact breakdown as 2click is integrated with other tracking but if you want I will do it and email it to you.

Am slightly confused with new dual method of giving signals.
I will email 2 click and revert here.
That would be great. can u do it through this method (did this come through) from the message
Euro_d said:
what do you need, 2click's response or a results table?
results would be interesting. The signal review appears to be ready just before UK open and is mainly the shorts as that bit is not intergrated yet so this is a temp fix I think.
thanks for sending your findings, I shall have a look over the next day or so. 1 thing I was told was to not follow the signals for penny stocks(DDT) unless I had my own reasons as the stop levels would always be impossible, and I run longer in time than u have. (still in EZJ!!, AV, DGE,EXL, this month) from your picks. Only 1 double filter pick this month(EZJ) but they said the market is v. high for lots of long sigs. Did u get filled on all of those picks (TLW 23/5 OML 27/5). I'll get my spread sheet over at the end of the month.
A couple of things:
If it is on the spreadsheet it is because I actually entered the trade. There have been other signals but I have not entered them for various reasons.

Regarding DDT, it is not a penny stock, it is in the ftse250. I agree with the comment re penny stocks but if it is in the 250 it is a potentially good trade. However, in the case of DDT it is stagnant!
I really think you need to have a reasonable charting package to look deeper into the signals that 2click generates. Either subscribe to one of the on line ones or Deal4Free (spread bet co) has recently intorduced a very good package that is part of their client service, i.e., free. Its not ideal but its a start.
I meant the sub 50p price not comp cap as a 0.2% stop loss often seems a bit impossable but take your point that can still be good. I use the interactive charts in the program. can be a bit labourious but seems ok for me as i only look at various moving averages on bar charts, which it does
Hi Guys,
Just wondering what your latest views are on the system over last 6 weeks, I am about 2weeks into my trial period & have found the results a little disappointing to date, particularly since the market has pushed up to new highs....?!
I have entered 15 trades in July BUT I have been away for the last week so the results are only up to 15 July.

Of those 15 trades 8 were in positive.
Net gain of 23 points.

That for me is good!

I use all signal metrics green as a basis and if stock is under acc then I place a larger stake.

I am sticking with them.

Hope that helps
only did 4 trades 1-7 july been away .

ARM 114.5 ROR 473 WLF156 winners lost on PO

ROR and ARM ACCUM & ALL GREEN. WLF ACCU only but did same trade from 102- 155 when I first Traded system. Have found that if it works with a certain stock once seems more likely to work again.
How can 23 points out of 15 trades be good? I have just been contacted by 2click and I am curios. I have only been spread-betting for 7 months and can achieve 23 points trading the footsie over 2-3 days. This costs me nothing apart from my time. About 2 hours after work. O.K I am not always right in my predictions but with excellent money management and a logical approach you should be able to gain 23+ points without buying a 'system'. I do not intend to offend anyone but please don't tell me 23 points is good. You should have gone and bought Burren Energy with your money and gone on holiday for a month!!
I take your point 23 points in 15 trades is not spectacular! However, 2 click selects stocks that are "ripe" for a trade.
Granted you could probably replicate the system in Tradestation and get the same results. For me, 2click is a basic system that finds stocks and then we have to make a decision.
For what its worth TS is a vastly superior program but requires knowledge and patience. The latest version is completely on line based and does not yet cover UK stocks. You will not find a second hand version for the price of 2click! I know I have just bought the previous version TS2000 and am busy learning.

BTW, I agree with Burren but how did you spot it?

Thanks for the reply. I agree that for the price it seems very good value for money. As for Burren Energy it just got alot of coverage in Shares and I.C magazines. Once it began to rise I followed it. I still am but constantly looking for a retrace. It should keep rising for a while after though. I do follow Marc Rivallands principles to a certain degree. I am still learning though so al;l this may just have been look. This is where money management should prevent me from going bump!! Good luck in your trading. Neil.
The "how many points" issue is a bit ambiguous! Surley its the value of the points. I trade at a standard £300 risk. So I lost £300 on PO. With the same risk using the given stop levels I traded ARM @ £100 /point WLF@£60/point & ROR @ £25/ point.
If you're trading FTSE with say a 20pt stop and £300 risk = £15/point, you make £345 profit every 23 points you take. Take any combination of my trades 23 points and theres more money for = risk. I agree that index trading can be more simple but don't think you can do a direct comparison. I really don't think a perfect system is out there but do like the system, bit quirkey but actually very good when it's right and not bad when it's wrong?
I used 2click for 3 weeks and the results were far short of what was promised (and getting my money back took 4 weeks). Furthermore, the guy at 2click who I dealt with now calls me from Spain or Germany with "hot tips" on penny shares. His first hot tip is down 60% in a week.

Now let me just put my barge pole away.....
I feel compelled to write about the dreadful service I have had from the outfit that sells the 2click software. I too tried the package based on the fact that they boasted good results and gave a money-back guarantee. Trying to get my money back proved VERY difficult - I have never come across a company as rude as these people when having to part with cash. I had more than one offensive e-mail from them, so eventually decided to refer the matter to my credit card company, who managed to sort things out.

A word of warning to anyone out there seduced by these people.....
Humble pie

Hi all, as you know I paid up my 500 quid for 2click and and have passed my gurantee period.

Since that time the Company has gone silent, no promised SW updates, their "signal review" window (an internet app outside the main prog) has not given anything for weeks.
OK they answer the phone but with no tech support in UK.

The system DOES throw up occasional trades but, IMHO, you would be better off not buying the product, at least until their current bad service and glitchy software is sorted.
As I am "in" I will continue to use it and if anyone wants me to give any informal reports feel free to post or PM me.

I just spoke to someone who told me they were offered the package for £199. I guess it isn't flying off the shelves then.
I now have a software update which gives some more "nice to have's". E.G. tracking of shorts.
My main worry is still the performance of signals. As I have made my commitment I will stick with them, no choice really.
I am still using all sig metrics green and stock under accum as a filter.
Then off to Tradestation to study the chart.
Best of luck, euro_d!

I have developed my own trading signals and automated the process. Work quite well, but am alsways on the lookout for ways to improve my trading - hence tried 2clickinvestor. The problem I had with them was that their real signals were nowhere near as good as the signals on their demo, which set alarm bells ringing. When I queried this, I had promises of "new developments" and improved future releases. I also compared my own signals with those that 2click gave me - and some contradicted each other. Overall, my own humble strategy was more successful than theirs - so I asked (unsuccessfully) for a refund.

Hope you do better than I did with them.
Have just spoken to 2click and they have the last version this year out in about a month which will finally have the integrated short signals and US momentum scanner? 3months late.

Mentioned the bad press on here and gave a different version obviously.

Georgio they said you have been refunded and you didn't install the program ?

I'm still quite happy with it all and am still well up on the cost? my expectations are to make 10x the cost. I think the trick is to run profits longer (not a natrual)RRS -6.32 (post 19)and EZJ 230 (post44)something myself and euro_d were in and I certainly cut to early EZJ again @ around 250 couple of weeks ago (All green) out at 277 now 300.

The biggest problem is the lack of shorting signals for when I want to go against the system. The buy signals are fine but not if you want to short but hopefully this will be sorted.