28th Nov- declare your positions


Legendary member
It's Friday today which means no trading ..............

Friday is prayer day at the Mosque and I prefer not to trade people as I always get caught off guard.........

please do keep me updated with your trades today as i'm always interested........

i might trade after 4pm but its thanks giving in USA?
Short @ 4206, on the 15m break of a pennant. Looking for 10-20 points, but price now retracing.
what your stop loss interceptor?

do you trade with stop losses, and what is your average stop loss?
I just can't resist have to go short too.............after my analysis!!

short @ 4220 with 35 point stop loss as resistance at 4250!!

God forgive me for trading on a Friday....hehee!!
Stop loss @ 22 points. There was 12 points available on the table at best, but not looking good now.
I think a good plan for next year is to take off Thursday AND Friday around Thanksgiving!
yes indeed you are probably right!!

its still hovering around 4220 and i'm thinking of breaking even and calling it quits as well!!

I'm going to try scalping 10 points!!
Blast my self-control(or lack of it).
Short @ 4208.
This is DEFINITELY the last trade today!

I might join you as work is relatively quiet today!!

short @ 4234 and out at @ 4224 ..........i made that trade in 2-3 mins just now??

haha....scalped 10 points short!!
I'm surprised why you went short at 4208 as there is a lot of intraday support ............I will only gio short once 4200 is breached!!

OK i have gone short again...........for quick 10 points @ 4240?
oh forget this crap................honestly its so boring today!!

i have taken 12 points profit 4228 and now I am going to turn my machine off so I dont do any more stupid trades!!!

over and out people........

i can't believe I just made 32 points............

thanks for the inspiration interceptor!! don't worry about your trades, I'm sure you will do better next week...........
Hello guys,

Just wanted to do a bit of canvassing for your opinions on the following set-up. Are we likely to see support on the 4300 mark? I can see some confluence on the long term and short term fib lines.




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Held short from yesterday overnight but stopped out, but at least I didn't let the full position go all the way and hit the stop-loss.

Long this morning from about 4245. But the market is so slow.