Recent content by keithh

  1. K

    Why do 95- 98% of retail traders fail

    Hi All good info here I agree with the comments. so we have established a lot of areas as to why retail traders fail. One mentioned is and if I can simplify it to lack of professionalism or in other words trading as BUISNESS. developing a trading plan is a key ingredient what to trade...
  2. K

    Why do 95- 98% of retail traders fail

    Fx I don't trade FX either its the DAX and FTSE for me generally in the morning between 8 and 12.
  3. K

    Why do 95- 98% of retail traders fail

    HI, if you know it or not a survey carried out by FXCM concluded that 95 - 98% of retail traders fail. so why is this? So how do you become one of the select few to succeed? Before I continue and discuss the why's. a bit about me I have been trading since 2006 initially part time and spent...
  4. K

    Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

    FF what language are looking to code your system into? MT4, or some other code?
  5. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    didn't know you were verticaly challanged. never mind, we all have our faults
  6. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    the last two days if you entered at the pivot they all went to R1 Sepctic peg has a challanger. :lol:
  7. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    @ 8:50 the high was 4072.3
  8. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    :p:p:p:p:p:p i dont care :p:p:p:p i think its some kind of conspiracy :mad:
  9. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    lapalabra. the pivot calc do you have a pivot at 4033?
  10. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    shorts today its sunny outside
  11. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    cheers read your opening statment. im looking forward to the read.
  12. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    blog where be killPhil's blog?
  13. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    nope I have wife with CREDIT CARDS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  14. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    yeh strange how it always moves quicker against you. its not just me then, or me, or me or I.
  15. K

    Message For Ftse Traders......

    Soooo any one take the 4056.1 short, or did you just watch out of curiosity?