EURIBOR etc market making


Junior member
Hi, im currently looking to get into trading/market making and just doing my research.

To be quite frank some of the in depth chat that goes on specifically I am clueless - I still find it hard to keep up to date with macroeconomic news and politics and too busy trying to sort this mortgage out for Romania.

Anyways - i was reading about EURIBOR trading in another forum and i was wondering if any1 could outline how market makers work in this business - and from the very basics.

My understanding is you guys get orders in from clients and like equities take the risk and work the order during the day - waiting for changes in volatitlity and news to try and make some PnL whilst executing a good price? The days when there are ecnomic announcemnts make trading and profit making better if ur on the right side since volatitliy means more movement?

please any career advice and introductory information is very welcome. I will get back to reading news on bloomberg website for the time being...
