Shatz/Euribor spread

Whole front-end is lifting Euribor followed by Schatz then Bobl and Bund. There is a guy in Euribor who just doesn't stop buying..
That 2000lot lift at 97.465 in Z5 Euribor earlier was best of the day..If only it was always that easy.
Please let non-farms get this baby moving as it seems the ECB are becoming ever more ineffectual as time passes.
did anyone else just get f****d from LIFFE s inabiltiy to resolve there slowness problems on EUribor!
I ve got to the stage where non farms is going to be a non event for me coz I darent trade euribor as it will freeze
What kind of connection u got HCAS?
With me its slow sometimes, just freezes for maybe 1/2 second when its a huge move one way.
how predictable is the schatz euribor spread becoming...honestly if anything the one advantage you have with this spread is that it often trades fairly similarly over a few days..if you havent picked that up then maybe you shouldnt be blaming the spread but your inability to recognise good opportunities when they come along
I agree Traderdork.

I loved it today when the ECB president said something along the lines of "in the long-term we expect interest rates to increase" and everything just came off (Bund came off about 6 ticks). Its a good thing I am near the TV because I can hear everything very clearly.
Alexxxxxx u said u work close to the close exactly to the city are you???and by the way..its traderDOCK.....u can bring me ur sick P&L when need be....glad we see eye to eye
I m not blaming the spread, i blaming LIFFE
I heard that rates to increase as well and as I tried to short Euribor, my order wouldnt go in for 30 seconds.
I am using a combination of tt autospreader and doing it manually.
These slowdowns are becoming a problem in Euribor. It doesn't matter what connection you have as the problem is on the LIFFE server. They have had a big increase in the autospreaders and on many systems they are unable to track message volume unless the trader has registered the system or the system actually tags the trade. Unfortunately TT does this so don't go using it or you get BIG bills, I know I have had a couple. Otherwise when you get a fast market do not have orders in greater than you can take the heat on. I had about 4-5secs today during the press conference....just a way to rack up scratchy round turns.
TraderDOCK, are you sure you know what you are on about? I guess you haven't been trading the spread long if you call the way it is now predictable, all these sreads used to be far better. Much tighter these days. If todays break higher was predictable then you might as well have bought Euribor outright cos that is what you were predicting if you knew what the spread was going to do. Most people probably sold 79's and 80's and with a few balls 80.5's and spent the afternoon trying to get the 79.5's. I left early so did not see the close. Now, if it was totally predictable I would have fully margined up Long those 77.5's yesterday, which no doubt you did.
I am suspect of anybody who makes your sorts of claim. I have been in markets long enough and I guarantee you things never stay easy, competition always eradicates arbitrage so stop bullsh*tting, it is all about probability not prediction.
Twalker, I totally agree with what you've said.....TraderCock calling the spread predictable is a sign of his inexperience....those have been many peoples' last words
Regarding the profitablity of the strip, I have found it be extremely tight in recent months. There is virtually no paper going through, although last week was a little better. What we need is a clear indication from the EBC (next to impossible) that they intend to move rates in the near future - even indicative talk will lure some Banks and Hedgefunds into the market which will hopefully be the begining of profitable days. I would say these days, locals account for generally 70-80% of the volume going through on the schatz-EB's
Happy Hunting!

twalker said:
These slowdowns are becoming a problem in Euribor. It doesn't matter what connection you have as the problem is on the LIFFE server. They have had a big increase in the autospreaders and on many systems they are unable to track message volume unless the trader has registered the system or the system actually tags the trade. Unfortunately TT does this so don't go using it or you get BIG bills, I know I have had a couple. Otherwise when you get a fast market do not have orders in greater than you can take the heat on. I had about 4-5secs today during the press conference....just a way to rack up scratchy round turns.
TraderDOCK, are you sure you know what you are on about? I guess you haven't been trading the spread long if you call the way it is now predictable, all these sreads used to be far better. Much tighter these days. If todays break higher was predictable then you might as well have bought Euribor outright cos that is what you were predicting if you knew what the spread was going to do. Most people probably sold 79's and 80's and with a few balls 80.5's and spent the afternoon trying to get the 79.5's. I left early so did not see the close. Now, if it was totally predictable I would have fully margined up Long those 77.5's yesterday, which no doubt you did.
I am suspect of anybody who makes your sorts of claim. I have been in markets long enough and I guarantee you things never stay easy, competition always eradicates arbitrage so stop bullsh*tting, it is all about probability not prediction.
This Euribor buyer is just unrelenting...I do not much like this person. I am searching for a reason why when the Euribor/Bobl and Shatz/Bobl spreads come off hard how the Euribor Schatz can rally so much. Gotta be a wrong'un somewhere. With the volume behind this monkey however I think he must know he is right. The only reason I see is that the Dec Euribor is still pricing in 2 cuts this does look a little unlikely based on the woes in Germany but it seem strange how this is propagated down the curve.
Good Luck
Did anyone expereince the usual LIFFE freeze ups in Euribor over NOn farms.

Very strange, over the figure , I found LIFFE to be fine (back to normal) in that it was pretty busy, yet euribor wasnt really having its 10- 30 second freeze ups.

However, after an hour or so it was back to its annoying self- everytime anyone traded euribor,
it would freeze/slow up!

Twalker- do you think LIFFE put on extra servers or something over NFP?

So annoying...
Maybe the autospreaders were off because who in their right minds would run one over a figure like that. I think that the problem at LIFFE is certainly less one of bandwidth and more one of processing power as they are having very complex splits. I have no idea what they did, may give them a call and see if they will tell me. Could have been that a lot of people were just sat back watching the mayhem. I was certainly able to place and pull well on Friday right after the figure but got stuck later, exactly as you did.
I think giving them a call would be a good idea, see if they are actually doing anything about this problem, or even if they know about it!
Lets face it, LIFFE are notoriously sh*te when it comes to any sort of customer service. They sit there earning a salary from the ridiculous costs we all pay them and when we call up and tell them that they need to get their finger out they act like they are the customer and we are something nasty. Always was that way and unless another exchange comes along to challenge these contracts they will no doubt remain this way too.
The only sense I ever get from them is from the technical guys who seem to be more interested in how things actually work than spinning some tall story of b/s excuses with annoying aloofness.
I hate it when "big" size goes through 5000 offered to 5000 bid when trying to hit market (thinking you can buy or sell as many as you want) and you get stuck behind a huge big size.

I feel so bullied in this big boy's market with my pathetic 10 lots!!!!!
The Schatz was evil this morning. I can vouch for the fact that it was not a morning to lift the Euribor leg first. I wish I was only getting bullied in 10 lots.
Hi, i'm new on this forum. I shall tell my experience on this spread.

I', trading euribor/shatz now for 3 months and it's in my opinion a very very good one. Most days are profit ones BUT there are some problems and maby there are some people here who know how to affoid them..

1. If there comes a 5000+ order in the euribor you are ****ed most of the time.
2. Sometimes the spread had a trend and it's impossible to close your possition unless you take a massive lose..