ZRG Holdings Limited/Matterhorn International

I dont see it, are you sure that is the proper name?

YES: WRM throws at you MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS REGULATORY COMMISSION from Tokyo Japan as if it is a legit govt. agency that clears their attempted (fraudulent) transactions in the sale of your securities.
------- GOOGLE - Mergers & ACQUISITIONS REGULATORY COMMISSION TOKYO JAPAN ---- The screen should appear with a
FSA WARNING " COLD CALLING ALERT " as the first site at the top.-OPEN THAT SITE- Then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and count up 8 names and you'll see the warning for MERG & ACQ REG COMM.
These THIEVES even hijacked the name of a legit business from the same address by just tweaking it a little forcing the real company to re-do their site which is currently down as they attempt to add security measures. There is a warning about this on the partial site that is up for the company.
----- If you stay on the same google page as above and scroll down four entries you'll find the Merg & ACQ bogus site. Open it and poke around and you'll even find a site to have them CHECK OUT BOGUS COMPANY'S for you. This way the thieves can clear their own scams by reporting the co.s in question are legit. NICE !
Just one last mention - the company will send you a bogus contract with a itemized breakdown of your shares, pps to be received, restriction removal fees, commissions etc. . Then you get a nice " CONFIDENTIALITY CONTRACT " and a bogus STOCK CERTIFICATE with a forged signature.
Don't know of anyone who has sent them anything yet but would like to find out what address (if different from paperwork received) they are telling people to send the checks or signed contracts to. Would think the listed is just a p.o. box. but not sure. Not about to start making calls after getting a $75 bill for one call to Sweden when a investor first brought this to my attention and asked my thoughts on this.
You said they were on the FSA warning list, I don't understand all that stuff about google. Are they on the FSA list, if so under what name
OK, I'll explain. GOOGLE is the biggest search engine in the U.S. . Try going to your search engine then and type in what I stated ie. Merg & Acq. Reg. Comm. Maybe it will list the same as Google. Again as I stated THEY ARE ON THE WARNING LIST of the FSA site I opened at the location I mentioned under THAT NAME . If you can't find it then I suggest you just type in FSA of Japan and poke around to you find an alert or warning list.
OK, I'll explain. GOOGLE is the biggest search engine in the U.S. . Try going to your search engine then and type in what I stated ie. Merg & Acq. Reg. Comm. Maybe it will list the same as Google. Again as I stated THEY ARE ON THE WARNING LIST of the FSA site I opened at the location I mentioned under THAT NAME . If you can't find it then I suggest you just type in FSA of Japan and poke around to you find an alert or warning list.

if you want to take that tone then I'll have to remind you that if you'd bothered to use google in the first place then you wouldn't have been scammed.
Tone , what tone ???? What am I missing here. You stated " I don't understand ALL THAT STUFF ABOUT GOOGLE ". I thought that perhaps you used another search engine and where somehow unfamiliar with google. Your words baffled me a bit concerning Google.

NOW let me clarify a few points. I didn't get scammed by this company. Last month I was contacted by a party in Sweden who was directed to me by an individual in the US who knew I was pretty much a leading go-to guy concerning my investigative knowledge of a particular company the intended victim was told they owned through a blind pool transaction from their former brokerage house. This person wanted my opinion on the validity of this " OFFER TO BROKER " her shares so she could reclaim a substantial amount of her losses. I spoke with her at a cost to me of a $72 phone call and then spent several hours researching the whole affair and uncovering all I could about the scam. Through numerous E-s I relayed my findings to her and she to me as the scammers kept up with their routine. The end result is that she WILL NOT BE A VICTIM . I also notified four Govt. agencies of the situation and sent packets to two. Normally on a regular private investigation I would recieve $65 per hour plus expenses. I charged NOTHING nor would I accept ANYTHING. My 6 hrs. plus $100 total spent was on me. The only reason I'm here is that I ran across this board on a google search and saw ZRG postings about the company in question. I joined this board ONLY TO ALERT others of my findings. Very soon I will leave this board because it has no further use to me and these kind of undertakings are not what I normally do.--- I intended no tone. I don't need peeing matches that serve no purpose under the circumstances. Please re-read your post and perhaps you can understand my confusion IE google. If you can't, no loss to me. Best of luck with your trading. You and everyone else here. I think I've accomplised what I wanted so nothing more needs to be said.