work experience


Junior member
Im just going into my third year of a banking degree. Does anyone know of any friendly brokers that migh like to offer me some unpaid work experience?

Thanks Jamie
We certainly would and give you free accommodation. Just tell me when you to start. We currently have 2 interns on the same basis and they will leave in December 2008 and we need at least 1 month's hand over. Minimum stint is normally 6 months but for Brits we can do a little less.
Lot of Brokerage agencies are available like this kind of services. please approach to them.they will give that experience.(y)

Sreevysh Corp
I am sure they will but they will charge you as they do in France. In the meanwhile, I have fillled my 2 internships for H1 2009 so only H2 2009 is now available. However, If I can be of any help Jamie please don't hesitate contact me.
Pierre B