Sadly " Best" is a rhetorical question. If there was, a " Best Method," we would all be using it but there would be no market.
So you will have to research all the threads here and elsewhere
( use the "search" facility for leads ).
Eventually you will pick pieces from various sources to create a style of trading that suits you.
Along the route to being a profitable trader you will be diverted by sightings of the holy grail of trading, guru's with promises of untold wealth, and other ploys to stop wannabee traders from evolving from " please sir - more," couch potatoe's; into self sufficient embryo traders..
What I am trying to say, in a convoluted way, is that one has to make a lot of effort to become a good trader. No one here can hand you a grail on a plate. Much information has been added to this site.
Your question is a variation on a regular theme on this site. How to make money.
Well it isn't easy and I guarantee no one will drop a money spinner into your lap. No two traders trade alike.
Finally, you will learn that the biggest enemy to your success looks out from your mirror.
Study and practice but don't hold your hand out for a ready made grail. All you will get is bird poo.
Good luck.