The Strangest thing is that you find the responses amusing when your posts are
Of course a 60min chart is different to a 1min chart and yes we all know that it
is the same data. BUT a chart is a visual representation of the timescale of that
data which also determines the timescale of your entry and exit. To say they
are the same is like telling an athlete that a sprint is the same as a marathon
and he should approach them the same.
Also, thanks for pointing out that when I see price bouncing of a trend-line
exactly 3 or 4 times it is only in my mind or coincidence, I've always wondered
why this was and yes before you say it I know it may not be a trend on another
Anyway, who cares why it happens as long as you can make money out of it,
keep the posts coming TRO they certainly keep me entertained.