Which would you would you pick.....(trading styles)

All other things being equal trade whichever system returns the most £'s per £ risked
And as if by magic he dissapears when the tough questions come out, no answers coming back...
chump said:
All other things being equal trade whichever system returns the most £'s per £ risked

The one on the left. Less chance of being flattened by a breakout....
err sorry might be on the wrong thread!
oatcake ....the answer is simple , u trade the one which is the 'most tradable', this might sound simple or obvious , but it is true. u have to live in the real world, the only trades that count are the ones taken. things might look great on paper but it what is done that counts.
unless it is totally automated you have to allow for your randomness as well as the markets.

people will mostly only trade worthwhile with something that they have confidence in their ability to apply

I’m sorry, I seem to have started something I didn’t mean to with my initial question. All I wanted was to get some opinions from other traders, simple as that. I was probably rather naïve to expect it not to be questioned but I’m pretty new to the boards.

Anyway, I’m not going to continue with this thread as I don’t want to inadvertently reveal any information which is not mine to reveal. Call me what you like, scammer, liar whatever; I don’t care so you’ll be wasting your breath.

We don't mean to be rude or all-knowing but these threads are usually for discussion and ideas, when I first started all I did was ask questions but now I am contributing too (well I think I am anyway, whether it's useful or not is another question). As long as you have some ideas to contribute back to then you're more than welcome on here.

shame to see you leave so soon,
Oatcake_eater said:
Anyway, I’m not going to continue with this thread as I don’t want to inadvertently reveal any information which is not mine to reveal.