which books to buy


Well-known member
I am interested in buying some really outstanding books for my home library. I tried few and one or two were not that good. I got some books from the public library, they take long time to arrive(sometimes) and some time they are old editions. Cant afford to buy anything and everything.
I donot know how to select some books to buy. My interest is day/short term trading, options and futures and mostly us shares.

Comments from members much appreciated . Some books which I have to read or are worth reading over and over again. Thanks so much.
osho67 said:
I am interested in buying some really outstanding books for my home library. I tried few and one or two were not that good. I got some books from the public library, they take long time to arrive(sometimes) and some time they are old editions. Cant afford to buy anything and everything.
I donot know how to select some books to buy. My interest is day/short term trading, options and futures and mostly us shares.

Comments from members much appreciated . Some books which I have to read or are worth reading over and over again. Thanks so much.

On another thread here I found a reference to www.spytrdr.com which has a large library of trading books for download (and a lot of other subjects as well). The home page has a link to the entire list of books. To get access to the library costs $22.00. At first glance it looks as if it has a large collection of some of the 'classics'.

" Techniques of Tape Reading" by Graifer and Schumacher.

" Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets" by Murphy

Must haves
Hi osho67

Encyclopedia of chart patterns by Thomas Bulkowski

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Read 'Crowds and Power' by Elias Canetti, it is an old book and should be available in a library. Very well worth reading, not about the stock market as such but crowd behaviour.. which is what the market is anyway!
Mark Douglas Trading In The Zone.
For me this is the best Trading book I have ever read.I found the problem I had was not with my chart analasis but was pscological and this book helped me along the way no end .
In my humble opinion this book is a must.

dash riprock
"Trend Following" by Anthony Covel - New 2004 - Best read since Reminicances of a stock operator (1923)

Short term and Day Trading by Toni Turner - that's it - read these your on the way!!
I have read almost any trading book going & the choice is really based on how you intend to trade. For me the psycology books are just hype. No amount of knowing your own mind will help you trade the markets properly. I would suggest that if you have a broadband connection then you look into a piece of software called emule - then search for pdfs on trading. It's not legal but that's the cheapest way.

For me the Market profile technique & Mind over Markets (not a psike book but market profile book) has the best technique - but not for everyone. The others are things by Larry Williams. He is a good trader & and in my opinion points traders in the correct direction. He shows what can be done & what can't. He thinks eliot wave & gann levels are shear rubbish - good for him!
Mark Douglas Trading In The Zone.
For me this is the best Trading book I have ever read.

Matter of opinion. I got about one third the way through and gave up because it was so tediously boring. I sold it on and was glad to see it off my bookshelves.
Larry Williams lives the life on a Caribbean island - he's a good trader and deserves to.
I'm sharing the platform with him at a teaching seminar soon. PM me if you want the link as you might want to see him live.
No amount of knowing your own mind will help you trade the markets properly

I would strongly disagree that knowing your own mind or knowing more about psychology doesn't help you trade, I have found that the more you know about crowds, behaviour, physiological and psychological processes the better
Tubbs said:
For me the Market profile technique & Mind over Markets (not a psike book but market profile book) has the best technique - but not for everyone. ..

A very good read, if for no other reason than it reminds one exactly how and why the markets operate to facilitate trade.

If u want the bookself looking good, i think u need to include Modern Portfolio and Investment Analysis - by Edwin J. Elton, Option Volatility & Pricing by Natenberg, and Trading In The Global Currency Market by Luca (all the hard covers look impressive but very boring to read and i can never understand half of it).

But if u want something interesting to read, i would suggest, Liar's Poker by ML, The New Market Wizards by Jack Scwager or even Rogue Trader by NIck Leeson.