When is the closing price of a bet established


Established member
For IGIndex, when is the closing price of a bet established.

I.e. if I have a bet to close at 12pm and think it will close 10-20 points down.

If the bet is -19.9 at 12pm, but -20.1 the first tick AFTER 12pm. Is the bet a win or a loss?

I couldnt find this in the rules, but maybe I missed it.


For hourly bets (non binary) i read they use a bloomberg feed.

I think it will be the first new quote on the bloomberg feed
on or after the time has elapsed.

I would presume they use the same method for non
end of session binaries, otherwise it would be strange
for the hourly 12:00 oclock index bet to settle at a different price
from the binary 12:00 oclock.
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So if the price was 19.8 @ 11:59.57 and the was 20.1 @12:00:01. The closing price would be 20.1.

Was just curious because I had a bet (different from above), that at 3pm was in the money, so to speak, but because the first tick after 3pm was losing, the bet lost.

Dont mind losing the bet, was just curious which price the took.