I have been wanting to check out the Price Action Trading Course but still don't fully understand what price action is. Could someone just give me a brief overview of what their view is on price action?
I have been wanting to check out the Price Action Trading Course but still don't fully understand what price action is. Could someone just give me a brief overview of what their view is on price action?
Split',It is your interpretation of patterns.
For the benefit of the OP, perhaps it's worth clarifying that (I assume) you mean price patterns - as opposed to indicator patterns?
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As far as I know, there is no hard and fast definition of price action trading. That said, I think it's a fair generalization to say that exponents of the art choose to strip away all extraneous matter and focus solely on the movement of price alone, be it in the form of a chart, or a depth of market (DoM) price ladder, Level II and Time & Sales etc. The key thing is they don't rely upon indicators such as Bollinger Bands and RSI etc. Purists wouldn't even have a simple moving average on their charts. Anything that does appear on their charts is usually hand drawn by the trader him/herself, such as trendlines and support and resistance lines (S&R). The only 'indicator' that price action traders allow (and encourage even) is volume. There is an entire sub-forum devoted to this subject here:
Price & Volume
Keep an eye out for the threads and posts by dbphoenix - he's probably the most expert and eloquent exponent of it here on T2W - although he no longer posts.
I have been wanting to check out the Price Action Trading Course but still don't fully understand what price action is. Could someone just give me a brief overview of what their view is on price action?
Farq orf, next you will be asking me to spoon feed yer.^
How about some full stops, commas and maybe even paragraphs to make your text easier and not give the reader a headache?
profittaikng as per rules all profits off tableAll I kept seeing in that long post was the word profit repeated over and over again!
There are various technical indicators that are derived from historical data. These indicators are designed with a goal to predict the future direction of the price. I have always interpreted price action trading is trading methodology based on these indicators (as opposed to based on economy, balance sheet)