Agree completely with scose, the majority of newbie questions on here are pretty poor quality. If any of these newbies had any interest in actually learning to trade (as opposed to taking shortcuts by falling for scams, signal providers - jungerns et al) then they would have covered most of their own questions seen on here in the most basic of textbooks, if they were not answered by a quick google search in the first instance.
The big danger is when people like jungerns try to answer such questions when they clearly know sweet FA on the subject, and a quick glance through his previous posts confirms this, its considerably more counterproductive to a newbies learning curve than any sarcastic comment (which shld actually raise awareness that the question prob is crap).
though i do agree with jungerns on one thing, posters should report counterproductive posts, for example this one:
....some tool is trying to fit made-up adages into his own strategy which actually consists of buying signals, in other words he cannot be arsed to learn to trade. what a muppet. i googled his 'adage' but nope couldn't find any reference to it. and this was in response to a newbie asking a valid question of when to exit a trade - great advice then, not - it has no concise meaning & is therefore more useful than a choccy teapot. the less vague, BS responses the faster the newbies learning curve, its a shame ppl like this aren't banned cos they will slow a newbies learning curve down at best, and at worst get newbies to follow what they do. (pls read further for first his attacks on a grammatical error then a final post asking if i am a retard with no evidence, whereas all my accusations are inferred from the content of his posts, see the 12.5% drawdown thread ha and bob lulz comment within that thread ha).
the funny things is his attention span is so small as noted by his admittance in so many posts that he is 'bored' and (therefore doesn't read what you have to say) that he wouldn't have got this far down in this post, which isn't directed towards him anyway.
truly scandalous, don't you agree jungerns?
happy tarding.