What information your trading off


Would it be true to say that trading off more "important" news flows are more profitable given the hypothetical situation that everyone had a similar level of trading experience?
-> An example of this would be: interest rate changes

Also would you agree that the more connected to information you are, the more likely you are to make better trades given that you already have the experience of trading?

:smart: thanks people
if everyone shared similar market experience, there would be nobody to take money from!

Are you planning on trading news then?

I think unless you know whats going to happen before it does, trading the news alone does not give you an edge. To an extent the markets are partially efficient and some types of new information are rapidly reflected in new prices (more so with events such as interest rates etc). So the scope for good profits is limited.

I maybe wrong but from everything ive read trading news will probably not give a defintive edge, some use it as a catalsyt for other trading methods.

I trade price action but each to their own, what works for me may not work for you, vice versa.