Hi Peto,
Don't take this the wrong way - but I am trying to stay away from been drawn into discussions about analogies and metaphors.
My main purpose in starting the poll, was to create a discussion around some important aspects of trading, with the hope that it will bring out further discussion as to why we traders think we have to have a strict set of rules and guidelines to adhere to in order to become successful.
Maybe some traders do, and maybe some traders don't?
Maybe this question can be answered - and maybe it can't?
Q: Grey 1 has a proven method for trading stocks using TA techniques that he has developed. This is shared with other traders. Why then, are all traders who look at this technique, not using it to make money. The fact that it works can be seen on a near daily basis.
I for one, have looked at the system and decided that it is not for me (more exact to say that it is not for me at this present time). Why is that.
A: Because I am unable to give the time and attention - including the testing and understanding of the setups - that it will require in order to use this approach. On the other hand, I have a simple system that I can use for trading the YM Futures and DOW & TRAN stocks, which is a little risky due to web access and limited monitors / data - hence I need to papertrade first to iron out any glitches.
But the fact is that I am looking at what I can realistically achieve at the current time - I know that I am only going to waste my time looking at Grey 1's setup - it is not practical for me at the moment.
I think this is a very important point - for a lot of us traders fail to confront reality and ask ourselves the very important question - what approach is most likely to allow me place a trade with the minimal amount of risk, and fits in with my current circumstances..
IMHO, if one can work out this, then it should be only a matter of time before one sees some results. The amount of potential profit will be in direct proportion to the amount of risk taken - very small risk should be taken if your current situation does not allow you to maximise your risk control.