wealth daily


don't remember how I came about this,probably from some else's email list, but I get regular bulletins from wealth daily,whose traders charge a small fee for membership.

there seems to be some well known traders in here,and am well aware it could well be another one of those' you pay us and get wiped out set ups',but was wondering if anyone else has heard/receives or is even a member and uses their advice/set ups. Could this also be used in conjunction with conventional / home trading to get some good set ups?

I tried another uk based company(this is usa),and they gave me some free examples of the kind of tips they give,but they were advising a long play in a down trending market,with no technical analysis to back it up,so it was pants(n)
Tip 1: don't take tips off others.
Tip 2: these two tips are exceptions to the rule.