War in the Middle East


Legendary member
With Obama's speeches on the situation and an active air campaign, it looks like a war has started in the Middle East in all but name.
Britain has only just recovered from a catastrophic near break-up. Something that Keiser Bill and Adolph couldn't achieve. So we should be pitching in soon I guess.
Obama expects the Kurds to do the fighting as the much vaunted trillion dollar Iraqui army ran away on day 1 after a few shots. Only a matter of time before mission creep sees US army boots on the ground imho.
Will the Chinese finance this war or will the printing presses have to print more money flat out ?

Why the allies don't just let the locals fight it out and say a big well done to the winners, I don't know. Would cost next to nothing and we could sell loads of weapons to every side.

As I see it President Assad was the bad guy but now the US is attacking some of his rebels ( who they used give weapons to ) he is being re-instated as not such a bad guy. Iran used to be the bogey man of the Mid East and violently anti-American but they are being coseyed up to for the sake of an alliance. The Saudis used to be the US's buddies in the area but ISL are also Sunnis which is awkward. Turkey is fed up with having a US presence on their soil and banned flights from their airbases, beside they have a problem with the Kurds.

No doubt Kerry and Blair will be patching up relationships in Jerusalem having got their orders from above ( could be The White House or their bosses The Israelis )

Hundreds of US and European ISL converts have already returned home for a bit of killing, sabotage etc. so we may have a hot winter politically.

Well done the State Dept. plenty of action but again made no friends ! Using the usual losing strategy of trying to bash others into submission. The war should last at least a century or two.

Sort of confusing really
Dave probably thinks that a successful "coat tails / Obama poodle" style Brit war participation might do him some good in the run up to the election.

Ed thinks we should get a UN resolution to fight terrorism.

Nick has gone quiet and is probably still wondering whether he should have banned tuition fees.

I wonder what Nigel will come up with in his manifesto at the w/e?
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Well, Parliament decides today if the dogs of war are to be unleashed. As all 3 parties are in agreement it looks probable.
No doubt Tony Blair ( on $1m per year ) is being chivvied along by his American bosses to follow their lead. He seems to have forgotten his " open door " policy let in 3 million Muslims which have spawned 500+ active British jihadis ( nice one Tone ) !!

Only a matter of time before it's boots on the ground too.

The beginnings of another disaster. Wasn't it Einstein who said something about the definition of insanity is to keep repeating the same mistake ?

Well maybe those savages have got it coming in lead !!

About time they invented a non lethal knock-out bomb, so the good guys can get in and grab the baddies before they wake up ?

Jihadi John - the top head chopper has been identified. He can look forward to a nice long rest at Her Majesties pleasure when he returns home !
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Einstein also said something to the effect that the solution is found on a different level to the problem. (or something like that)
That is, if someone is shooting at you, the ultimate solution isn't shooting back, even though it may be the initial response.
Well, Parliament decides today if the dogs of war are to be unleashed. As all 3 parties are in agreement it looks probable.
No doubt Tony Blair ( on $1m per year ) is being chivvied along by his American bosses to follow their lead. He seems to have forgotten his " open door " policy let in 3 million Muslims which have spawned 500+ active British jihadis ( nice one Tone ) !!

Only a matter of time before it's boots on the ground too.

The beginnings of another disaster. Wasn't it Einstein who said something about the definition of insanity is to keep repeating the same mistake ?

Well maybe those savages have got it coming in lead !!

About time they invented a non lethal knock-out bomb, so the good guys can get in and grab the baddies before they wake up ?

Jihadi John - the top head chopper has been identified. He can look forward to a nice long rest at Her Majesties pleasure when he returns home !

Lots of stuff in there, that perhaps need clarifying.

1: where does this "3million muslims" thing some from?
2: "savages". why so?

It seems, more interestingly, that there is a need to destabilise the middle east, and any pretext is being used. Whether it be non-existent weapons, al-Qaeda, IS/ISIS/ISIL, Syria, Iran.
The broader issue is why is this important to bother with?

I am always amused by the politicians proclaiming the "world" is under threat. More than half the "worlds" population live in poverty and squalor, and are more interested in finding a meal to give to their kids or to wrap them in rags from the cold, and are generally disinterested in the developed worlds issues of obesity and iphones. Which "world" are these politicians referring to?

At least we should have the honesty to say we're just interested in ourselves.
Well, Parliament decides today if the dogs of war are to be unleashed. As all 3 parties are in agreement it looks probable.
No doubt Tony Blair ( on $1m per year ) is being chivvied along by his American bosses to follow their lead. He seems to have forgotten his " open door " policy let in 3 million Muslims which have spawned 500+ active British jihadis ( nice one Tone ) !!

Only a matter of time before it's boots on the ground too.

The beginnings of another disaster. Wasn't it Einstein who said something about the definition of insanity is to keep repeating the same mistake ?

Well maybe those savages have got it coming in lead !!

About time they invented a non lethal knock-out bomb, so the good guys can get in and grab the baddies before they wake up ?

Jihadi John - the top head chopper has been identified.

He can look forward to a nice long rest at Her Majesties pleasure when he returns home !

Not if the SAS or other special forces get to him first, I hope.
Lots of stuff in there, that perhaps need clarifying.

1: where does this "3million muslims" thing some from?
2: "savages". why so?

It seems, more interestingly, that there is a need to destabilise the middle east, and any pretext is being used. Whether it be non-existent weapons, al-Qaeda, IS/ISIS/ISIL, Syria, Iran.
The broader issue is why is this important to bother with?

I am always amused by the politicians proclaiming the "world" is under threat. More than half the "worlds" population live in poverty and squalor, and are more interested in finding a meal to give to their kids or to wrap them in rags from the cold, and are generally disinterested in the developed worlds issues of obesity and iphones. Which "world" are these politicians referring to?

At least we should have the honesty to say we're just interested in ourselves.

Exactly! This so called militant group killed hundreds of Syrian soldiers and police as well as other so called muslims in Iraq and one gets nada and chop a few foreign heads and a case for war is made.

I strongly believe the public headings are a white flag to build a public case for war again - to sedate the masses in going along with the big vested oil and military interests. Otherwise most people couldn't care less if these blood letting twits fight and kill each other till the cows come home. Ofcourse its all for oil and a few $ollars more.

It's not even a war it is a realignement of interests to remove the Shia dominance in Iraq which Bush jnr couldn't plan far enough ahead to realise they represent 55% before announcing their democratisation plan for Iraq which everybody now full well knows was a load of tosh.

Iran is the main target here and in the next few years it will find it self in chaos, similar fashion to Iraq & Syria...
Well, at least they now have more revenue streams coming in, right? Right?? (sounds of crickets and tumbleweeds in audience)
Although most sane people hate war, the Kabane situation is really a disgrace.

Looks like a new Alamo where the defenders could easily be rescued by their allies who have adequate forces just a few miles away. The UK is busy teaching some Kurds how to use machine guns !! Just pull the trigger guys !! A 5 minute lesson probably.

The coalition is likely to fall apart if the US doesn't do more than drop a few bombs from a safe height.

A disgusting public show of cowardice or what ?

Make a safe haven for the refugees if that is what it takes to get the turkies activated.
Although most sane people hate war, the Kabane situation is really a disgrace.

Looks like a new Alamo where the defenders could easily be rescued by their allies who have adequate forces just a few miles away. The UK is busy teaching some Kurds how to use machine guns !! Just pull the trigger guys !! A 5 minute lesson probably.

The coalition is likely to fall apart if the US doesn't do more than drop a few bombs from a safe height.

A disgusting public show of cowardice or what ?

Make a safe haven for the refugees if that is what it takes to get the turkies activated.

Increasingly the borders in the ME are being redrawn. Plan seems to be to remove government control and order. In its place establish militias which are managed by external interests.

Isis 'supposedly' is one of the richest well financed organisations (not terrorist but a militant organisation). One would expect the US to trace origins of the money and close them down.

They are also well equipped - 'supposedly' having captured heavy artillery and tanks left behind by the fleeing Iraqi soldiers. isis ranks seem to be all so well trained in operating these heavy gear. Amazing!

Isis seem to move freely in the region between, attacking Syria, attacking Iraq, attacking the Kurds and now attacking Kobane a border crossing into Turkey. What strategic importance could this town have? How can they move so fast? Where does logistic control and operations come from? Who is dishing out all these commands, mobilising these forces with such effect, in difficult terrain?

One would think Assad would jump at the chance to help the Kurds but he has gone quiet.

The Russians and Iranians are very worried.

Western public opinion have focused on a handful of beheadings. Look the other way whilst building a case for war, some kind of military action.

After a hard fought battle and at vast cost the US is not likely to leave the area to such militias. Unless the militias prepared to do business with the US.

Some very important dynamics and strategies at work in the ME. Hezbollah may belong to the Iranians but now there is Isis on the scene. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more groups become established soon.

These are unofficial acts of aggression which don't need parliamentary votes to carry out desired actions in the region.

2/3 of global oil supplies are in Iraq and Iran. It's not likely to flow well without a good business plan. :idea:
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Well, don't worry all, the economy of the U.S. will now be stimulated by the planned Ebola epidemic with everyone going out to buy food and water and generators and gasoline and weapons and hazmat suits and air purifiers and hand sanitizer, etc. Whew! I was worried the wars weren't enough!