Volume trading



I have a daytrading friend who is very succesful just watching the market for large increases in volume, and when spotting one he buys the stock and he says it will go up in 9 cases out of 10.

Is anyone using this strategy? Do you know if there is any software that sends out alerts when finding increases in volume?

jakob said:

I have a daytrading friend who is very succesful just watching the market for large increases in volume, and when spotting one he buys the stock and he says it will go up in 9 cases out of 10.

Is anyone using this strategy? Do you know if there is any software that sends out alerts when finding increases in volume?


Your friend must be the luckiest person in Swedon(or the world) if he has a 90% success rate using volume.How does he know if its buying or selling pressure? FWIW, Most stock scans offer the facility to search for increases in volume its nothing new.
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Hi Jakob,

T2W member Trade_Ideas has posted a link to his site that offers all manner of alerts including volume spikes. See http://www.trade-ideas.com/Help.html#FGUR

As Schoe says, there are quite a few stock scanners that pick up on increasing volume, both buy and sell. TC2000 is a popular scanning package, see http://www.stockfinder.com/tc2000/default.asp?R=

All this relates to US stocks…….

For Swedish stocks, I have to pass……….
