C ChartMan Legendary member Messages 5,580 Likes 47 Aug 2, 2003 #1 strewth this is innovative Attachments vod_attachment_chart_200308021420.gif 9.9 KB · Views: 439
F FTSE Beater Experienced member Messages 1,518 Likes 6 Aug 2, 2003 #2 I agree Chartman I wonder if (like me) you can see Sharky sitting in front of his monitor with a big smile on his face. Do we dare ask for US stocks
I agree Chartman I wonder if (like me) you can see Sharky sitting in front of his monitor with a big smile on his face. Do we dare ask for US stocks
OpalSky Junior member Messages 26 Likes 0 Aug 13, 2003 #3 uhh... for all us laggards, what am I supposed to be looking at here? OS.
Sharky Staff Messages 5,946 Likes 611 Aug 13, 2003 #4 Hi OS, I believe they were referring to the new facility to post charts on the forums, discussed here: http://www.trade2win.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6075
Hi OS, I believe they were referring to the new facility to post charts on the forums, discussed here: http://www.trade2win.co.uk/boards/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6075