

Established member
VDM website down....hope they've not grabbed a lot of new customers and down a runner ?......🙁
... There was a Forex lagging in the price feed on VDM - Therefore with other charting software it was EXTREMELY EASY to make cash... Lots of it, exploiting this feed.

I know from inside that they were hit very bad from this. Personally i made lots of money and they closed my account but decided i could keep my profits.

I think as a company, the way they acted towards me in closing my account and in terms of customer service w$hen i tried to phone for an explanation - They were very poor. Not that i was in the right myself 😉

I know someone made £10,000 glitching the system and the company couldn't hedge the trades because obviously the movements had already happened on the markets therefore they lost ALOT of money...

I thought they were dodgy after all this and pulled all my money out, locking my account while i'm in the middle of a trade with no explanation is just not on.
VDM website down....hope they've not grabbed a lot of new customers and down a runner ?......🙁

Their data centre has server problems, apparently. No problem getting through on the phone to customer services. As of half an hour ago, they were still there and hadn't done a runner🙂
really ? surprising, can't believe I missed this !!

... There was a Forex lagging in the price feed on VDM - Therefore with other charting software it was EXTREMELY EASY to make cash... Lots of it, exploiting this feed.

I know from inside that they were hit very bad from this. Personally i made lots of money and they closed my account but decided i could keep my profits.

I think as a company, the way they acted towards me in closing my account and in terms of customer service w$hen i tried to phone for an explanation - They were very poor. Not that i was in the right myself 😉

I know someone made £10,000 glitching the system and the company couldn't hedge the trades because obviously the movements had already happened on the markets therefore they lost ALOT of money...

I thought they were dodgy after all this and pulled all my money out, locking my account while i'm in the middle of a trade with no explanation is just not on.
really ? surprising, can't believe I missed this !!

It was about a 5 second delay i found. So i would watch Igindex GBP/USDchart go up 10 pips fast. Buy VDM GBP/USD for £50pp+ and sell when price reached the high of the Igindex chart... Must have done over 500 trades over 3 days.

Because price would be at 400 - Go 4100 and back to 400, so inbetween the delays, in 15 seconds you could make 20 pips at as high a risk as you want.

Tbh it did take a bit of skill - Just had to be really speedy and really remember the numbers and whats going on. If price went up 10 pips and back down 10 pips in 1 second, VDM wouldn't even show it, and sometimes in the time it takes you to acknowledge a riseo n Igindex and go to buy, when you click buy, price just changes to the price you wanted. SO you had to be very quick 😀
I used to do the same between Capital and Cantors about 3 years ago, Only worked for 4 days
Next time i wouldn't bother... Just at the time it seemed to easy, it turned out to be a big hassle getting my money out. At the time i was only trading small amounts aswell so wasn't making much whereas now i'm making a nice amount for me, so extra things like that become less exciting 🙂
never had much sucess with FTSE on lower timeframes but will demo and see how I get on
Serious lack of IT competence

It seems quite unbelievable that VDM's website is still not up and running. It's been offline since about 9am this morning.

I'm tempted to ask whether they are employing IT pros or a bunch of amateurs. My son manages the IT dept of a large US company. If their system went offline for as long VDM's has, he would be seeking alternative employment.
It seems quite unbelievable that VDM's website is still not up and running. It's been offline since about 9am this morning.

I'm tempted to ask whether they are employing IT pros or a bunch of amateurs. My son manages the IT dept of a large US company. If their system went offline for as long VDM's has, he would be seeking alternative employment.

Yeah, well my son owns a large Us company so theeerreee...

I kid, i kid.
The site appears to be working now?

Yes it is. Apparently the glitch was caused by a fibre optic cable being severed. What ever negative comments we've made about them over this downtime, they have made a settlement with me on the open trade I had in place at the time of the system crash.

I'm very happy with their approach to the matter. Finspreads or CMC would never have done this. Quite the opposite, in fact, from my experience. They would have been looking for ways to take more money from your account. Well done VDM. It's good to find a SB company that cares about goodwill towards it's clients.
Yes, at least when things go wrong they do at least give the impression that they care, unlike others.

I noticed thay have a SPREAD FREE trading day tomorrow on all online trades. Sounds a pretty cool deal for their screw up yesterday.

Even I might come out ahead tomorrow.