Unelected quango to decide on mosque for Olympic site

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I couldnt find the results to date, but cunning, you get the results when you choose & cast the vote.
Of 43661 votes cast
56% are for
44% are against.

I stand against it myself as I think there are far more worthwhile uses for the land and GBP100m.
TWI said:
Of 43661 votes cast
56% are for
44% are against.

I stand against it myself as I think there are far more worthwhile uses for the land and GBP100m.

I'm for it. Lets build grandiose buildings while people starve ! Isn't that what its all about ? Bet its Arab money as well !!?! And dont anyone accuse me of being a bigot - I'm a moslem.
Lol sarcasam. I love it.

Oh, and it won't be Arab money. It'll come out of the taxpayers pocket one way or another.

I know the area very well, and the bouroghs have more than enough mosques.

Wonder if they will build a church next door?

The nurses in the area certainly won't be getting any of it. They should be amongst the high paid people in the world. Politicians should be the lowest paid.
Wonder if they will build a church next door?

In the interest of peace I think a Synagogue would be more appropriate. Maybe they could have an adjoining tunnel.
"Politicians should be the lowest paid" ...hmm so you would actually pay them ? I've often thought if you have to have politicians the best candidates would be those who don't want the job and already have enough money that they don't need anymore ...
already have enough money that they don't need anymore ...

Our society is proof that this point is never reached, same goes for power.
"Our society is proof that this point is never reached, same goes for power." ...then I must not be part of society ..LOL (wouldn't surprise me that much 😉 )
If the site must contain religious places they should be a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a Hindu temple and one other - all in the shape of the inter linked five circles of the Olympics and every one linked by open corridors to all the others; a symbol of togetherness and tolerance.
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Mr. Charts said:
If the site must contain religious places they should be a church, a synagogue, a mosque, a Hindu temple and one other - all in the shape of the inter linked five circles of the Olympics and every one linked by open corridors to all the others; a symbol of togetherness and tolerance.

excellent idea. 🙂
I propose the "one other" to represent people who are quite happy without the need for a god. 🙂

given previous building project fiascos, I suspect it wont get built.
if it does, it will take three times longer than planned.
and cost 7 times as budgeted.
and it will get sold off to some developers later for a fiver.
Hi trendie,
I thought of one for the non-religious, but decided somebody would be offended if their religion wasn't listed......... ;-)
Each religious organisation should pay for their own - no tax payers money - not a penny.
and each church should have a free kiosk serving bread and soup to the poor and a very good red wine with excellent cheese for the not so poor (but still free in the spirit of the event)
I propose the 'one other' should be something near and dear to all of us.

I worship the spirit of smirnoff... so can we have a pub?
TWI said:

Surprised? well cos virtually all Muslims have been sending chain emails and they have been voting YES. I am Muslim, but i voted NO, We do not need another Mosque - there are enough of them!

To be honest, I do not even bother to go to the Mosque - There simply is too much propoganda, and is very political. Yet again this is a case of how generous the Brits are - Hats of to you GREAT BRITAIN!

But we must all pass around this and VOTE a BIG NO - if there should be one than a multi faith, why only Muslim? - that is my view
"Hats of to you GREAT BRITAIN!"

or rephrased

"Shirts off (your backs) to you GREAT CHUMPS" 😉

Marwan2010 said:
Surprised? well cos virtually all Muslims have been sending chain emails and they have been voting YES. I am Muslim, but i voted NO, We do not need another Mosque - there are enough of them!

To be honest, I do not even bother to go to the Mosque - There simply is too much propoganda, and is very political. Yet again this is a case of how generous the Brits are - Hats of to you GREAT BRITAIN!

But we must all pass around this and VOTE a BIG NO - if there should be one than a multi faith, why only Muslim? - that is my view

Of course you are going to vote NO. Your' presumeably trading therfor gambling therefor not a Moslem - doh !
My arguement is based on £100m can buy a lot of vaccine, catarct operations etc for the needy !
Olympic stadium qwuestion

I'm getting slightly off track, but RE: Olympics.

They're building a dedicated 80,000 seater state of the art stadium, and once the Olympics & paralympics are over (after around 30 days of stadium use), they're reducing it to 25000 dedicated capacity?

How can this make any sense, economic or otherwise? The stadium costs £500m+ gets four weeks use and then is virtually demolished?

How do they go about reducing the size?

Why bother doing this, why not just keep the state of the art 80,000 seater?

Still, at least the £1.2 billion (approximate total costs, half of which paid for by tax payers) Millenium Tent, I mean Dome, is now a world class (O2) arena 🙂
AsifA said:
Of course you are going to vote NO. Your' presumeably trading therfor gambling therefor not a Moslem - doh !
My arguement is based on £100m can buy a lot of vaccine, catarct operations etc for the needy !

Asif Mia, it seems you are a Muslim too. and you are a trader too..........
C'mon lets face it most Muslims are 2 faced ******, and they take on board Koran when it suits them and dumps them when it suits them.

Islam is a great religion.................... but hijacked by these American backed terrorist. These terrorist were created by the yanks, to spread terror around the world, so the Yanks can gain supremacy.

But lets face it, we Muslims are not as tolerant as the Brits. The Saudi will not allow a Hindu temple or a Chritian Mosque - but we say nothing why?

At partition of sub continent, it is said that 25% of population in Pakistan were Hindus and christians, now they are less than 2% - where have the rest gone? Wherease the Muslim population in India as a % has doubled!

If Imran Khan marries Jemima Khan, Jemima has to convert to Islam - Why?

People do not preach/practice/understand the True Islam................
Islam has lot to offer, and you do not need mosques for that.

YES I pray when I am trading.....................