TS2000i RT data from Excel


I am trying to find a solution tht will enable me to get the TS2000i/GlobalServer to recognize and recive RT data from an Excel sheet.

How can this be done?
I went through several threads here but couldnt find the exact solution.

In the Excel I have several Internation Indexes updating in RT (which are not provided through the verdors Global server recognizes) and so Id like to use it as my RT data source for the GlobalServer or any other dataimporter which you would recomed.

Thank you.
I think what you are trying to do is almost impossible as the GS requires a proper datafeed.

It would be possible to fudge a solution but I don't know of any software that is available to do this.
In my view it is not currently possible but could be if you have the software development capability to use the TS Developers kit with the likes of Visual Basic.

In my view it is not currently possible but could be if you have the software development capability to use the TS Developers kit with the likes of Visual Basic.

The GloabalServer SDK only supports MS VC++ version 5. It is also the worst API I have ever had to use. You will need to be a fairly experienced with VC++ to use it.
Thank you all.
I dont understand why TS would not enable a DDE conection.
In any case if it dosnt, did any of you use the GS API ?

Thank you.
Also, cant I export the RT data from the excel to TEXT and then import it into TS and get the RealTime updating charts??

Thanks again
cant I export the RT data from the excel to TEXT and then import it into TS and get the RealTime updating charts??

It is not possible to do this because TS will only take text data in EOD format.
