I'm new to trading, overall, and looking for Info about daytrading, in general, and daytrading systems, specifically. (My mindset, so you know, is more systemic, than discretionary.)
So, what books, what faqs, that sorta thing?
there's various way of it.
as day traders, it has to match your personality first.
there's useless to develop something you didnt like.
A. when you're aim for 1-2 trades a day, fibonacci level would be nice to take.
B.but if you're more likely comfortable with short term trade, goes with scalping strategies.
what book ?
you can start with candlestick by steve nieson, refers to point A.
read about niel fuller price action are good stuff to begin refers to poin B.
personally i'm more with point B, applied at ecn account with armada markets. as I oftenly visit their site (at least 2 times a month for wd application.. :smart
, i figure out they have a short brief of common used trading strategies, not too confusing,
http://www.armadamarkets.com/forex-strategies-2/ , fyi those strategies are commonly used at daily trades. pick which one are suit your need, suit your desirable mind, and we can start a further discussion about your chosen strategies.
last thing about fact you concern about, new trader sometimes too greedy at their first try, i'm not refer to trading activity, but more at strategies, they mostly act so tough, hunger of knowledge, and choose any kind of strategies they saw without desire to master it, and end up flush out all strategies.