trading while sailing around the world


I plan on purchasing a cruising sailboat and living on it while sailing around the world. I will use wifi access in marinas and ports, primarily. Do you think the connection speeds will be fast enough? How fast should they be? Post your comments/questions/tips/ideas/thoughts on this subject.
I plan on purchasing a cruising sailboat and living on it while sailing around the world. I will use wifi access in marinas and ports, primarily. Do you think the connection speeds will be fast enough? How fast should they be? Post your comments/questions/tips/ideas/thoughts on this subject.

While you at it, why don't you ask BT or Orange to comment on your trading strategies...
:LOL: Harsh but fair.

I hope it works out for you, OPer. Sounds awesome if you are mega-profitable while arsing about on a yacht.
You plan on sailing around the world,...and you need to ask on a forum about connection speed!,..
Perhaps you could look into satellite so as to have reliability...

Good luck with your venture. sounds to be exciting.!!
awesome idea that you trading while sailing around the world it seems very thrilling
hope you can make a success best wishes for you
I now live in Thailand and trade from here. The internet speeds are pretty good here but occasionally everything slows down. I have found that I don't need a very fast connection at all. MT4 seems to work ok providing there is some sort of connection.

Biggest problem for me would be the gaps when you have no access to the internet. Do you have a trading strategy that allows you to be away from the markets for weeks at a time? I can see it would be possible providing you are taking a long-term view of the market and use stop-losses...
what will my tax situation be like if my residence floats and goes all around the world? I will remain a US citizen, but do I need a US po box or something? What would the IRS think of my plans?
Wouldn't be this sort of yacht would it?
coracle.jpg that makes you 23. lol - you could swing trade daily candles no problems using Iphone app for some brokers
I plan on purchasing a cruising sailboat and living on it while sailing around the world. I will use wifi access in marinas and ports, primarily. Do you think the connection speeds will be fast enough? How fast should they be? Post your comments/questions/tips/ideas/thoughts on this subject.

WFT!!!, if I were contemplating buying a cruising sailboat to sail around the world, it would tell me I'd made it big time, trading or work of any nature would be the furthest thing from my mind, enjoying the fruits of my labour would be at the forefront on my mind. If I had to contemplate wifi and internet access in ports, then it would tell me I shouldn't be doing it, because I can't afford it, I just think I can.
If I had to contemplate wifi and internet access in ports, then it would tell me I shouldn't be doing it, because I can't afford it, I just think I can.

What if you needed to simply check emails?? :p
What if you needed to simply check emails?? :p

if I were planning to sail around the world, I'd be planning to leave the norms of life behind, if I could do without my post, I could certainly do without e-mails.
Waht a muppet putting up this post, probably an internet geek who never gets out of his Y-fronts or leaves the house and feels putting a post like this on will get a few massages of his ego. lol, sertiously, how dull is he?????????????????
Muppet! HA!, that is the second time I've heard that. Seriously though, I don't think you could really be all that successful unless you automated your systems/strategies and had a satellite on the boat.