Trading the news


Junior member
Hi trade2win collective,

I was wondering whether anyone can suggest what are the best sources for breaking trade-able information. One of the sources I have been working with is the SEC filings by RSS - Latest EDGAR Filings
which is exactly the sort of thing I am after.

However I can't seem to find anything similar for the LSE, at least not for free.

Also, I was looking for something similar for analysts recommendations, but I guess it is less likely that there is a good aggregated feed for those types of updates.

Any ideas?


how much are you prepared to spend?

Well it depends on whether I have to do much work to integrate it.

The lse site has a page that seems to show regulatory announcements and the AFX feed, but I can't see a RSS link, and I'm not sure of they are real time/or what the time delay is.

this feed would be good, because I can just pull the data out of the provided fields rather than having to parse out which stock it applies to;
AFX News Ltd. London : Financial News Products.

however I think this would be expensive.
You can certainly integrate it using Reuters and DDE, costs about £1500/month. Completely object oriented so you could pull everything you want out of it in whatever format.
You can certainly integrate it using Reuters and DDE, costs about £1500/month. Completely object oriented so you could pull everything you want out of it in whatever format.

for that sort of cash, I could hire someone to read and tag the articles with ticker, and an indication of the sentiment towards the target - well getting towards that amount anyway.
well this is annoying, these guys have almost exactly what I need;
Stock market news: RNS, PR NewsWire, Hugin, Business Wire
but the RSS feed link is broken/or hanging at the moment-
though it is 15 minutes delayed, its good for what I am doing.

Digital look have some interesting broker view summaries;
Broker Views | Investing | Digital Look
but alas no RSS. Does any other company provide such a beast?

adfvn have a Dow Jones newswire feed, but no RSS;

lse have the data, but its not in RSS;
London Stock Exchange - Market news
Actually, something occurred to me... Do any of the dealer platform provide real time NEWS updates from reuters, AFX, RNS etc? igmarkets seem to have a news section, but it looks pretty rubbish


well this is annoying, these guys have almost exactly what I need;
I thought this is the norm in the old Europe.

On serious note - how one can have push RSS? Can you please give a hint? All RSS readers I saw are pull. Is it actually possible?
I thought this is the norm in the old Europe.

On serious note - how one can have push RSS? Can you please give a hint? All RSS readers I saw are pull. Is it actually possible?

Well, with my IT hat on... RSS works over http, and http is a client server model, where the client connects to the server and requests ("pulls") data. Its possible to emulate server push models with AJAX over http, but as far as I am aware there are no AJAXified RSS implementations.

Email notifications on keywords are a push model, and pretty much what google news does, however on the back-end all google is doing is polling the RSS or html feed for news sites every X minutes, and generating emails based on that.

I use a tool called RSSowl with the update feeds option set to 5 minutes, but the system I am working on polls the feeds as often as it can, about once every 15 seconds in a loop and email me the signals based on that.