Trading the Morning Gap


A little while ago we were trading shares on the morning momentum and getting good results.
This was a little while ago and unfortunately we lost our notes in a house move.
We're back to trading after a break and wanted to get back into it, but rather than just go in with our rather blunt method we wondered if anyone else trades on early momentum and if they have specific methods.

The basics our our method was to have a shortlist of companies likely to post good results, and any any companies effected by the news, take-over bids etc. We'd then buy at the opening bell or haver a limit order already in place and sell once the share had hit our target - sometimes in the space of minutes. It was pretty white knuckle but generated some pretty good profits.

Can we build on this method?
Is there a way we could extend this 'momentum trading' throughout the day? How would we pick out the momentum stocks?
Is this method suited to indices and if so, which ones and are there methods specific to indices trading?

Finally, is there a way to profit from the morning gap-up or gap-down?
If, for example, a stock closed at 540p and traded heavily in the pre-open auction and then opened at 560p is there a way that individual traders can profit from that move behind the curtains, as it were?
I am looking into a similar strategy at the moment. Have you considered straddling? Trying to pick those 'likely to give good results/update/trading statements' I find difficult.

Reckon that straddling would be better, then once direction has been established from news, cut your losing straddle, and let the other one ride....

HELLO thanks for this post
please send your metode for trade to gap and please send broker that is good for news and gap
thanks all