Trading the emini spikes Is this just News Trading?


I am trying to figure how what this would mean if it's not news trading. I come across this guy Bill Barrett and I can only seem to find very little about him.
He has a course that teaches you how to trade the Emini Spikes.
I have asked if this is just another fancy way of saying News Trading, but he has told me that it is not.

Can anyone please enlighten me as to what else would cause sudden spikes in the market if not driven by some kind of economical news event?

I also would like to hear from anyone who does this as I am interesed in learning.
I dont think it would be news driven - I imagine he uses bolinger bands etc to see when the market becomes over extended..I guess he believes prices will revert to the mean - wish it was that easy!.. would be interesting to see what indicators he is using !
I have watched few of his videos but so far I see only PA. I think it may be some kind of breakout strategy as he seems to measure the highs and lows and then brackets with an oco order on buy/sell. Could this be possible? I have been trying a breakout method like this in the Forex market and it seems fairly reasonalbe, but I need to be trialing it for longer than a couple of weeks no doubt and I have since lost all profit. Anyone using a breakout strategy that is consistent?
I only trade news announcements on the S&P500 eminis - I do very well and I only trade a few hours a month, collectively. I love the volatility and 'spikes' because I know how to trade them.
All I can do is suggest the education company I use, so hopefully nobody lambasts me for sharing this link, because someone always accuses me of 'selling' something when I recommend them. But it works for me, so why wouldn't I recommend them. Check out my blog for details:

It works for me and the guys in the U.S. that I learn from as well, but you need to decide the best thing for you.
All I can do is suggest the education company I use, so hopefully nobody lambasts me for sharing this link, because someone always accuses me of 'selling' something when I recommend them. But it works for me, so why wouldn't I recommend them. Check out my blog for details:

It works for me and the guys in the U.S. that I learn from as well, but you need to decide the best thing for you.

No judgement from me, thanks kindly, I will take a look
No judgement from me, thanks kindly, I will take a look

I was intrigued by his system too, so I decided to purchase it. Lucky for me (having learnt from past experience), I used Paypal and decided to buy his 3 payment plan option. Sent him the money and got no response for several days. So I've put in a claim to paypal for a refund. Beware of this shyster.....there's not much about him on the 'net'. I am usually very skeptical and tread carefully, bit I was curious about the way he trades. Any future buyers beware. I'll post any updates.

(NB. I'm referring to Bill Barrett and not MarketMover Trader)

Did u ever get your refund?
I don't know if you could though, PayPal usually doesnt get involved.
Anyway, I did purchase the Spike system last year, and I have to say, it's pretty good....

I was intrigued by his system too, so I decided to purchase it. Lucky for me (having learnt from past experience), I used Paypal and decided to buy his 3 payment plan option. Sent him the money and got no response for several days. So I've put in a claim to paypal for a refund. Beware of this shyster.....there's not much about him on the 'net'. I am usually very skeptical and tread carefully, bit I was curious about the way he trades. Any future buyers beware. I'll post any updates.

(NB. I'm referring to Bill Barrett and not MarketMover Trader)
not too bad. the system does not allow for over trading at all, if you follow the suggested game plan. meaning if you are patient and waited for the juicy days to trade it, you may get 3-4 days in a month to trade the spike.

you are not to trade every news release, you can, but that is not the way you are coached and trained on it.....

bracketboy how are you doing with trade the spikes from bill b
anyone a member of MarketMoverTrading? How is it? worth the HUGE cost?

I know this is a MLM pyramid sales structure, so I would rather hear from honest members, and not from sales affiliate guys impersonating traders. (and we do have one of these guys in this thread, really obvious...)
hey how long do you wait before you set up orders according to charts

with out giving away the proprietary method, you basically look and prepare your orders anywhere from a few minutes to a few seconds before the release. Depends on where the actual price is at that moment....
i got the program too but work gets in the way to stay home and try plus have not been able to sit in on the classroom so i have not been able to try program kind of leary to try high/low program are we not better to just watch charts and follow trend i do not know
i got the program too but work gets in the way to stay home and try plus have not been able to sit in on the classroom so i have not been able to try program kind of leary to try high/low program are we not better to just watch charts and follow trend i do not know

Here are my thoughts on this, I basically bought most of the ebooks and methods/systems out there. All these proprietor indicators (free or paid) basically are the Exact same, they just look different with a different name slapped on it. They are all based on MACD, CCI, STOCH, etc...vendors add their twist to it, and slap a price on it with a new name.

It's all BS in my opinion. These indicators show you the trend that HAS already happened. Not what is going to happen. So what does trading with the trend mean? What it means is that you are trading the trend that already happened on the chart. All to common, the trend changes on the next tick that prints, and you suffer a stop out.

With bracketing, I am totally behind it the method, IF you trade it properly.
You bracket the trade, and it has to go one way or another...plain and simple....

Alot of traders that try to bracket the news say it doesnt work because they get whipped sawed out of the market. This is true with the common bracketing that everyone tries.

Not with Bill Barrett. His method addresses the whip saw and how you can counter it, before the trade happens.

At first, I paid for it, I had buyers remorse because of the price, but then, it was all worth it.
i understand what he is saying in the video but even though i have not tried the program i am kind of wondering the whip saw after you get in does the price really go in your entry direction
i understand what he is saying in the video but even though i have not tried the program i am kind of wondering the whip saw after you get in does the price really go in your entry direction

PM me and we'll talk about the whip saw....if you viewed and read his game plan, the whip saw is a non issue.....
i just got to get some time from work to try and some confidence to pull the trigger and ya know where your coming from i to have searched /tried programs too same with forex same crap prefer manual trading at least in control but very slow rewards to me forex is a cut throat business hey keep in touch [email protected] nice talking to you it is nice to talk to people who have tried programs i am into i am currently looking at e mini academy but price kind of dicey but they do teach good stuff (i think?)
Bill Barrett is extremely dishonest. This is news trading. All you do is place your entry buy and sell orders 1 tick above and 1 tick below the last 5 minute bar a few seconds before a major economic news release comes out.

There are a few other things involved but that is the basic system. All his other nonsense is just hype.

I'm pretty sure the videos he does are on a sim account. Usually the slippage with this kind of trading would make it very hard to be profitable long term.