Trading Houses


Junior member
i've been search the net for small to medium trading house. do you guys have any names, web site addresses for me too look up?

A full list of current trading arcades can be found on the LIFFE web site (I think its under 'accessing Liffe' on the LHS menu, then click trading bureux on the RHS menu .) Many of the outfits will offer access to most world markets - not just LIFFE futures. Costs are typically about £1000 pcm, but it depends on jow many screens, feeds etc you need.
can some on put me straight please...

what is a trading house?

a. you work there and trade clients money
b. its just a desk for u to trade and u whatever?
c. other? please explane?

so what kind of firms do i apply to if i want to trade of give stock picks to them to earn a commission?

im new to all this so if anyone thinks these are stupid questions well im a new bee so read something else.

anyone with a few pointers is most welcome!
a. Bank or institutional brokerage (uuugh!)
b. Trading arcade/bureux sometimes called day trading firm.
c. Proprietary market making firm

Sounds like you need 'a' if you want to give advise. Be prepared to take years of exams before you qualify to give advise as a broker. If you want to trade, then apply to 'b'.

Full lists of tier 1 & 2 brokerages, banks & market making firms can b found under 'membership' of most exchange web sites.