trading futures from home on TT in a tax free wrapper


Junior member
below is an alternative to using a LTD company setup. It is most attractive to very profitable traders. Happy to provide more details should you/friend/colleague be interested.

(iBet clears through the Kyte Group)


iBet Financials is now offering futures accounts to external clients.

This is a unique product within the UK. We are FSA regulated and London based.

Futures accounts with iBet Financials have a tax free financial spread betting wrapper. This is a "back-office" addition ONLY. Trade futures just as you do now.


1. All trades go directly to the exchange with no speed delay.

2. There is no additional spread - you pay exchange prices.

3. iBet allows for flexibility regarding choice of high speed platforms with which to place spread bets as the service is compatible with most industry-standard software platforms. The wide choice of platforms (TT/Stellar/CQG/Phone) allows traders a variety of ways in which to place orders, from simple point and click, to auto-spreaders and even fully automated systems.

4. We offer a variety of APIs to support algorithmic strategies.

5. Your trades are cleared through iBet Financials parent company - a leading UK based integrated clearing, broking and investment service provider for professional traders and investors around the world.


We have operated on this tax free setup for our internal traders for the last 3 years, and external clients since the start of 2011. We have written confirmation from HMRC that our activities are tax free. Further details available on request.

Due to the tax-free nature of the product, iBet Financials is most attractive to profitable professional futures traders.

There is a minimum required opening balance and we offer accounts by invitation only.

Commission levels depend on your monthly volume and products traded. These are usually comparable with standard futures commissions.

For further details, please email iBet Financials at:

[email protected]