Trading Forex - New member

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Hi Traders

Im full time trader from 2002,located in California, Usa.
Im new here so it will cost me another 7months or so to get(i hope so) great name like on other comunn.
Mojo pivot system :idea: is based on set of indicators used on very popular platform called Metatrader4.
I also have popular chat room during London session start at 11pm-1am(pst)-where you can meet lots of pro and newbie traders from all globe. :D
Im helping new traders by protect them from usless courses and cd sets,when they can find most of info in internet.

Below i attach screenshot from my system jpy trade last 9 days.
One of many rules are: below pivot zone-sell,abowe pivot zone -buy.
You can always get my help(ofcourse if i got time)if you lost money or cant find your own way in trading i will TRY to help you.Well if anyone whant to now me better you can always talk with me on yahoo.All good to you traders.


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What makes you think you are welcome here? You must have been kicked out of moneytech - congratulations to the administrators of MoneyTech for banning you. No one here will be impressed.
Well Gus, I would totally disagree with you in that one.

I have been speaking to Husky for some time and he is most welcome hear as far as I am concerned!!!!! :devilish:
Gus gues what....we will see...
Gus you dont now me and you post that kind of post? :eek: well im sure you are super succ trader,but about be nice person i got already my opinion.
Well it tells me all about you,no comment..
It is nice to know that you are a successful trader etc but I don't see much honesty in what you have written. You sound more like a wanna be trader

Medi please find me on yahoomesenger so you can find out who im ;)
I got many happy people from England some will post here soon.
So here's your chance to tell us enough about yourself that everyone will understand why an aspiring trader should follow you. Tell us about yourself husky.

You might want to explain enough about your origins so that people forgive you your spelling and grammar.
Thanks Kiwi i think i rememb . your nick from Mon.t.
English is my 4th lang. never really have enough. time to made it better.
I was born in L.A but grow up all my young life in Europe between France Germany and Poland.
Im really sorry for my gramma and typos :eek:
Im not perfect in this,but we dont learn here English we trade here for life,..well i do this full time.
And trading was and still is hard work for me,its nothing easy around it,coz after i master system,i need fight with myself:how to dont be greedy,how to control emotions,and finally how to change myself in night living person (PST i trade both sessions London and N.Y).
I recive more then 5k letters all people lose or trying find some resolutions by many years of trading swithing systems and never be consistant.
I meet couple succ.traders. Couple from more then 10k people following my thread,im sure most of them will come here to still support me and others.
I dont wanna trade forever its slowly killing my private life so i hope i will find here smart,hard working and very patience people with can become great traders and .....well we will see
many of you for sure now how hard is keep your reg. life or job and trade same time,my first two years was like that my job and long nights on forex,but one person save my life:Albert Einstein--called" compound iterest the 8th wonder of the world"
So i follow hes advice and by 24 months trade my account never take out single $.
It was the right way.
All good to you
hi guys - just to let you know - most of you know me on here for a good while

we did indeed ban him from mt - he extolls the virtues of this system and then it finally transpires that the indicators cost $120 a month by debit into his own account

i know for a fact that youll have a harder time on t2w than you ever had with us husky :)

welcome to the lions den lol
pivot points

Now that the friendly greetings are out of the What about this idea of pivot points? How has everyone used them. I have noticed that indeed the pivot point is a nice place to determine market support and resistance along with my fibs.
Soulie i have no comment about you,as i told you before you never EVER talk with me ,you dont now nothing and you judge(in same time selling s..on your own web lol) if Husky was not helpfull why got much more positive opinions??Simple coz i spend many many hours with allnew traders talking with them on yahoomess and answering 100000 questions on chat room,saving tons of theyir money(by sending tons of free materials and web links,to protect them from buy some sick cds for 3000$ or courses for 2000$).I NEVER care they use mojo pivot or not,if they want they can use.And what ta h... you did in same time??Nothing just showing your power to abnn someone good behind your s...desk,just by look on your "web" i already now how rich and succesfull and helpfull you are lol i was on m. many many months never ever offering mojo before..look like it was my misteake to offer good product,better let new people get cach by big companys and pa tons of cash to get only one thing--no progress in trading.
howcome i recive tons of letters if im bed person??Se leave behind me tons of happy people who you got behind comm.I wanna see what you can show us about trading soul show with system you use show what you got or what you can programm then we can talk for comm.

"Trading without pivot points is the equivalent of driving a snow storm...uphil...on bald tires."

Forex husky- so how much are you going to charge people - $120 per month?
neil lol charge for what?? for help nothing,noone need use mojo to talk with me or get my help,why all ask about money? :?:
greed?And where is the problem if you made big money?i always answer all trading questions,and my help is free.Plz people show some respect to others and first spend some time on chat with person before you ask about money...lack of faith in others will kill this world. :(
Husky help

Greetings traders,

I have chatted with husky from time to time and have found him to be an honourable person. He has not charged me anything and has given of his personal time to help me become a better trader.

Thanks husky.... :)
I'd just also like to say that Husky has been helping me since about January when I started getting into trading. He's never asked me for a dime, so this whole money business is new to me. He always answers any question, and has given me quite a few suggestions that turned out to be good. Keep up the good work Husky! Many of us appreciate it.
Thanks Nate.

here is example of my chat:
13 AM): s124monoblock : hi, what is the significance of the upper floating exit and lower floating exit lines? s124monoblock : for example in EUR/USD they are at 1.2069 abd 1.2049 forexhusky: sec forexhusky: if u're on sell, use the upper forexhusky: if u're on buy trade, use the lower forexhusky: the principle is simple ... when u think that price needs more space beyond the pivotzone, u may refer to the floating exit s124monoblock : ic s124monoblock : im a bit confused as to when you woud take the trade (I'll stick with EUR)... Right now, current price is above pivot zone.. Long... however, trend line is sloped down. Is it safe to say we can go long here? or should we not trade at all until pirce falls below the pivot zone? s124monoblock : go short, when it falls below pivit zone that is... fore
forexhusky (1:18:54 AM): it's ok to trade forexhusky: but it VERY RISKY forexhusky: as market force is still DOWN forexhusky: if u're conservative ... dont trade ... wait until everything is aligned forexhusky: if u're a speculator and have fast reflex, trail closely forexhusky: the trendline will keep you out of trouble ... but it will keep u off some trading opportunities s124monoblock : ahh ic... forexhusky: but the real large moves happens under approval of the trendline and the pivot forexhusky: the purpose of the pivotzone is to give you a boundary to tell when the market is going your way

forexhusky (1:23:57 AM): Going back to the floating upper and lower, I just need to clarify a bit more... you say when I'm on the sell use the upper or on the buy use lower... So what you mean is to use these as exit points? forexhusky: yes s124monoblock : ok got it! forexhusky: The pivotzone may not be perfect. forexhusky: Market sometimes need a little more space beyond it. s124monoblock : ic forexhusky: For this reason, you may use the floating exit lines. s124monoblock : ok crystal clear! thanks forexhusky: But it is important to know that the whole system is based on prudent risk management. forexhusky: It means that if the market is NOT going your way - get out!
:54:30 PM): : the HBx is less sensitive, that means it should be able to withstand choppy market. However you should always be careful with your trades on whips ... coz consequently your stoploss range will have to be stretched out to an unhealthy level. forexhusky: The PZx template is an advanced version that shows the current day's movement bias. You will notice that if price trades above the floating pivot (thick line on the right), the background color will go green and vice versa. It's also have a strength meter, ranging from 0 to 3. That means if market passed strategic prices, it will show the strength of the current market direction forexhusky: The floating pivot is a very helpful indicator of market direction ... for example, today's Euro chart, since about 3:00 chart time (i'm using alpari)
forexhusky (11:54:50 PM): forexhusky: The HookBreak is a trigger. Just like ASC dots. It confirms when price strength has changed and remains that way until proven otherwise (goes the other way).
forexhusky (11:55:09 PM): forexhusky: However the HookBreakX is a thing of beauty. It can actually detect market strength on larger timeframe - making it a good alternative to the trendline to look for direction from. forexhusky: In principle you read both the same way, green means trend is up, red means trend is down

i hope that will get you all some light :cheesy:

I enjoy the chats with forexhusky. He is a nice person and is always ready to help me. I for one welcome him to these forums to share his knowledge. I normally just read the forums but I wanted to post my thanks to husky! :D

Hey guys,

Let's talk about trading ideas. That is what I go to these forums for. Give Husky a chance to discuss his ideas and then comment on the merits of the concept. Now from what I have seen his pivot point zone thory is a nice way to spot a trend. What does everyone think of the pivot zone theory.
cod, I agree although I and I suspect anyone else with their eyes open had also noted the arrival of these "new" posters to support FH's arrival.

And Forexhusky ... the last post from a chat session was meaningless. So we need some meaning.

So lets have some meat that proves that this is not SPAM. Lets have some posts that don't refer to secret indicators or otherwise suggest that you are just a spammer. Lets see something that makes sense and demonstrates that you are NOT about just sucking in some new entrants. How about something useful?

On the assumption that you are going to provide that -- welcome to the board.
Dear Kiwi..
Coz you are to lazy to contact me in person..
In attachment you fill find all about this Pivot zone system.
I hope admin will see inside is no contacts no sale offer just expl. how to use this system,you canuse one of zilion indicators with are on internet for meta4,some will work similiar as mine.


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