Tradestation2000i question


Hello, I am hoping someone can bring me up to date on some things.....I traded a bit back in the mid 90s and last in 2001-02 so I am trying to play catch up here. I used to use Tradestation4 and then 2000i (just installed it again) and I was wondering if it possible to get data for the FOREX?
Is this 2000i platform viable to use real time anymore?
I was hoping to be able to import some EOD data to begin looking at charts again. If someone could set me straight as to the viability of this product today since I recall paying a lot of money for it back in the day. It would be nice to be able to utilize it while I get back on my feet again.
Thanks for any and all input!
Is this 2000i platform viable to use real time anymore?

Yes it is still an excellent platform and also works well with Vista. You can get EOD data in CSV format FOC from here:

I suggest you scroll down and use the "No Delay Data" option then scroll to the bottom where you get a choice of symbols to get data for.

The data is good but I have found that I needed to edit it in Excel so that it imports in Tradestation in the correct format. This isn't too difficult if you know how to use macros and literally takes a few seconds.

Thanks Paul, I will give this a try and see if I remember how to do this.....could you be a little more specific about the type of edit required to make it work?
The format that is downloadable from the site is as follows:

Date, Time Volume, Open, Close, Min, Max

Using Excel macros I changed it so that it easily imports in Globalserver to the following:

Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume
