Trader Workstation (IB) HELPPP


Hi guys and girls, pretty new to the idea of trading, have a very basic understanding, but get daunted by the IB trader platform, any one know where I can get a good tutorial teaching literally from the ground up? Other than YouTube or IB's own "help" section.

Thanks in advance!!
If you have an account with IB you can also request a paper trading account - then you can try all the different things on it without making real trades by mistake. Most users will only every use a small proportion of the available settings.
The help section pretty much explains everything in their platform except technical and fundamentals, which you need to learn from other sources. Try to rephrase your query and be more specific, e.g. if you are looking for explanations just type the word you see on tws in the search box, instead of going directly into tws help section.
Basically, in order to buy and sell a security, you have to know the ticker symbol of it, type it in the blank showing in upper left corner on tws, choose sell(short)/buy(long), limited price, and quantity. Finally you press submit, the order is partially completed (called "live order"). Whether or not it will become your possession ("position") depends on the actual trading price in the market. One more thing: You’re free to choose “market price” for your order, it will be filled almost immediately if you do so. A limited price order will be filled quite late, but you can get a more desired price. I can't recall the abbreviations used for market and limit orders, but you can find all of them in help section.