

Experienced member
Anyone know anything about a prop shop called Tradelink in London?

I heard they run their traders on £25k basic, and then each trader is pooled with nine others and bonuses/profit split is based on the results of the group rather than the individual.

Not of interest to me in particular, but sounded like an unusual setup and was curious to know more if anyone had heard anything :?:
Arbitrageur said:
Anyone know anything about a prop shop called Tradelink in London?

I heard they run their traders on £25k basic, and then each trader is pooled with nine others and bonuses/profit split is based on the results of the group rather than the individual.

Not of interest to me in particular, but sounded like an unusual setup and was curious to know more if anyone had heard anything :?:

Sounds interesting, that would be ideal if tradelink allowed traders to work on various markets.
You could have 2 guys on equities, 2 on credit etc. When 1 or 2 markets are having a dry period, the other traders would keep the money flowing for the team.

You'd all have to be at a pretty similar level though or I could imagine the back stabbing would get rather silly!
I know a guy who is on that team, they have an arbitrage model. Each trader gets 30% of what they make over the year and £25k salary. They are very aggressive traders with some of them trading up to 2000 lots at a time in the boble.