Hi everyone, 🙂
after my first week as a member I am stunned by the font of knowledge available and freely given by all members. After years of learning alone it is a huge relief to know (a) I'm still trading and (b)There are others out there like me and (c) we can only go forward from here ! - Exciting stuff.
To my point - Has anybody had any success using trade days of the week etc. aka Larry Williams 'Long term secrets of short term trading' and his inter relationship ideas re. the gold and bond markets ? He obviously was a brilliant futures trader but are these ideas out of date now.
I have had some success with his 'smash day patterns' and 'naked high and naked low bars' and was wondering if there is anybody who has gone on to base their trading style on his ideas/concepts ?
after my first week as a member I am stunned by the font of knowledge available and freely given by all members. After years of learning alone it is a huge relief to know (a) I'm still trading and (b)There are others out there like me and (c) we can only go forward from here ! - Exciting stuff.
To my point - Has anybody had any success using trade days of the week etc. aka Larry Williams 'Long term secrets of short term trading' and his inter relationship ideas re. the gold and bond markets ? He obviously was a brilliant futures trader but are these ideas out of date now.
I have had some success with his 'smash day patterns' and 'naked high and naked low bars' and was wondering if there is anybody who has gone on to base their trading style on his ideas/concepts ?