TOTAL virgin needs help


Hi All. Just found the site after a couple of searches on the net.
I am a TOTAL virgin when it comes to trading shares etc...but have always been interested in the stock markets.
I thought I'd join up to try and get a little knowledge first before I actually dabble in trading for real. I would imagine that like myself a fair number of members work within the www as a profession, and use some of there spare time trade online. Do any of you guys out there have any advice for me!!!
Ideally I would like to do some imaginary trades (!!! sorry for any use of bad terminology there) for a few months.
I realise that some of you use software etc to deal. Would this help?
A BIG thank-you in advance for any one that replies to this
a lot of people recently have asked about advice for beginners.... try to get used to the setup of the website, and find the relevant boards on this site where the advice etc has already been given.....

And maybe Sharky can put a link for such boards on the homepage?

This question has been asked just LOADSA times recently....
Every new poster asks slightly different questions, and that's why the answers are all different.

The answers are of benefit to the majority of readers, not just those brave souls who ask the questions.

So carry on asking questions, and we'll all try to carry on answering them 🙂
andypandy, whatever you do, don't sign up with

This vendor should not be able to continue hiding behind a disclaimer. Disclaimers are not valid for outright cheating, intentional misrepresentation of trading performance.

CFTC's definition of Fraud

"Cheating or attempting to cheat you through false claims about the likelihood of
profit or loss from trading; false or misleading statements about trading..." (my underline)

1. I took screen prints of charts for the week of May 7-11, which had its worst week, yet Ezprotrading recorded a profit: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire

2. I spent the weekend backtesting the MOO strategy and comparing results with Ezprotrading website. The differences were not subtle. They were night and day apart. So I prepared a report of my findings and emailed it, asking for a refund. See the report for hypothetical trades from April 30 - June 1 (five weeks): Ezeprotrading_MOO_Apr30-Jun1_2012_Results.pdf

3. I backtested the MOO strategy rules on TradeStation for over six years of data: MOO_2005-2012_TradeStation-backtest.pdf. Though it had some months of profit, overall net result is a far cry from Ezprotrading claims.

4. Finally, the cherry landed on my cake and created "the perfect storm." Ezprotrading revised the results for two weeks of May 7 and 14: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire. The rosy results disappeared. But it is not just these two weeks that are off, the majority of the results are hypothetically fraudulent. Even though Ezprotrading's action is an acknowledgment that I am right, it has not returned my money, which it has not earned the right to keep. Instead, it threatened me with "legal remedies" if I brought this information public. Well, here in the court of public opinion let's see who is entitled to remedies.

5. Here is a complete list of our email correspondence in chronological order: Free Cloud Storage - MediaFire
It's joaobucks first post in the 6 years since joining. I think all the 'backtesting' was done in real time.
AWA! finally my first post in 6 years, meanwhile new_trader has done nearly five thousand posts.

Anyway, backtesting done real time isn't backtesting. That would be forward testing.
AWA! finally my first post in 6 years, meanwhile new_trader has done nearly five thousand posts.

Anyway, backtesting done real time isn't backtesting. That would be forward testing.

Well I'll go to foot of our stairs:whistling