Hayward performed poorly, his manner and lack of answers was disrespectful and indicated an ambivalence to what was happening. Oh well another disaster, part of the job, pay out the fines and move on. I was neutral before, however now I think BP deserve everything they've got coming, including maybe being banned from drilling in US waters. Of course all the other oil companies who were fingerpointing at their hearing and saying it would never happen to them are talking rubbish, but something drastic like that might wake their ideas up to. I hadn't realised the amount of evidence the subcommittee had already seen which pretty clearly points to repeated failings, and cutting of corners by BP. The famous quote:
"who cares, it's done, end of story, will probably be fine."
Yes BP are responding to the insatiable demand of the US for oil in drilling these undersea wells and the public have to accept the risks these entail. However there seems to be growing evidence that BP did act willfully and recklessly - Hayward's testimony showed he was sidestepping these issues. Persisting with this tactic is more likely to lead to harsh consequences for BP, not less.