TM Harris Associates

Hi there
Thanks for this information that has been very interesting as I have nearly been caught in the trap before setting up a contract with T M Associates Ltd.
I was almost convinced that this would be a great investment with very good potential but will not be parting with any money after reading this!
This Clive Harris is a rogue trader.
Don't deal with this Company and just about to send a very strong email with my views to them now!
Hi there
Thanks for this information that has been very interesting as I have nearly been caught in the trap before setting up a contract with T M Associates Ltd.
I was almost convinced that this would be a great investment with very good potential but will not be parting with any money after reading this!
This Clive Harris is a rogue trader.

Not a trader! A scam artist maybe
Should I also inform Fraud Squad?
I assume this Company is listed already with them
but no action to shut down yet?
The gentleman who wants his money back
and the fact that Clive Harris won't sell
is concerning so thank goodness I have
read this thread just in time!
I'm so gullible!
Lesson learnt!
I am on same boat

Did you get a chance to speak with them? None of the numbers are working for me. I am on the same boat.

Hello All
Despite knowing the story of TM harris...... I bought some rare earth metals. How do i feel now?
The metals are in my name in the warehouse but they may be just useless.
How do i get out of this? Clive harris is not interested in selling and promising me the stars..
Made a mistake. Any suggestions?
Tyrone Miller is there too. These are all just fronts though, I doubt they'll be at that office address.