Time interval based Real Time Screener



I’m engaged in a day trading operation and I’m looking for a real time stock screener that provides functionality allowing me to identify top price % market gainers where the stock price growth is measured in sequential time internals say every 3 seconds.

Example: The screener scans a population of 4 thousand stocks in 3 seconds intervals (I=3s - example interval) and shows me a short list of stocks where their price has grown during 4 sequential scans (4 scans every 3 seconds – 12 seconds).

Stock A price – T0 = 1.23<T1= 1.28<T2=1.32<T3=1.36 – in this scenario Stock A would appear on the short list since the price has grown during 4 sequential scans.

Stock B – T0 price= 1.21<T1= 1.25<T2=1.31>T3=1.29 – in this scenario Stock A would not appear on the short list due to the fall of the price in T3.

Also it would be great if the screener would enable me to define the interval time parameter (I) myself and allow integration to a trading platform to execute the trades from the short list of stocks.

If your software will allow me to perform this please let me know, or any other application that you might be aware of.

realtime screener

Did you ever find a solution to this i'm in similar need of this type of functionality?j
Did you ever find a solution to this i'm in similar need of this type of functionality?j

No, but I have done some intensive simulations manually on historical data and does work. The problem will be in determining the time intervals of the scan, and then setting the number of consecutive “growth” intervals for the tool to execute the trade. You will also need solid processing performance to run the scan on 5000 stocks simultaneously and real “real-time” data. If you want to play around with it – the best example is Yahoo finance. They have free stock selection tool. If you run the tool 1 hour after the opening of the floor and select “20 highest gainers” you will see the stocks that made the killing, retrospectively looking at their charts – how would you of caught that chart in your screen?!... My theory is that you won't catch all of them.. but you will be able to catch the perfect “charts” – maybe 2-3 stocks a day.

If you find a tool…let me know. I’ll be happy to play around with it too.


I’m engaged in a day trading operation and I’m looking for a real time stock screener that provides functionality allowing me to identify top price % market gainers where the stock price growth is measured in sequential time internals say every 3 seconds.

Example: The screener scans a population of 4 thousand stocks in 3 seconds intervals (I=3s - example interval) and shows me a short list of stocks where their price has grown during 4 sequential scans (4 scans every 3 seconds – 12 seconds).

Stock A price – T0 = 1.23<T1= 1.28<T2=1.32<T3=1.36 – in this scenario Stock A would appear on the short list since the price has grown during 4 sequential scans.

Stock B – T0 price= 1.21<T1= 1.25<T2=1.31>T3=1.29 – in this scenario Stock A would not appear on the short list due to the fall of the price in T3.

Also it would be great if the screener would enable me to define the interval time parameter (I) myself and allow integration to a trading platform to execute the trades from the short list of stocks.

If your software will allow me to perform this please let me know, or any other application that you might be aware of.


There are many scanners around with many of them being free. A nice one for example is finviz.com. However to get all of the functions you request requires something with more programming functionality, a real-time feed and a brokerage platform.

One application that does this is Tradestation. It has a screen called Radarscreen that looks a little like an Excel spreadsheet and allows a separate symbol to be entered on each row. You can create an indicator using the custom programming language and to create one that looks back over four 3 second long bars for a consecutive rise is fairly easy to code. The intervals used are easily altered from tick, through seconds, mins, hrs days etc immediately. There is an autosort feature that would also enable you to sort the rows by, for example, % gain over the period.

The list can be sent for order execution by either clicking on the top n rows in turn and simply generating an order using the relevant buttons, but it is also possible (using more advanced coding) to automate this further to generate a basket of entry orders and to follow that up with automated exits based on criteria you determine.

I do not recall the maximum number of stocks that can be included in Radarscreen, but I believe it goes up to 9,999. I have certainly taken it up to above 1000 (before I got bored with adding more).

The downside of using this application is:
- the realtime feed is US stocks only
- the cost is a monthly cost of around $200 unless you trade at least 5000 shares (2500 round trips) per month when it is free
- you will probably need to learn the custom programming language
