Time in my opinion is our most valuable commodity. Especially in today's world where we are over-bombarded with useless information that we somehow need to know or feel compelled to know.
I'm a time-management and productivity freak. I do not want to waste time. Our time is limited and I want to make the best of it. Unfortunately this has driven me many times to burnout, fatigue, and unhealthy lifestyle. I think one of the most serious problems we are facing today is finding a balance. Living a balanced life of working + physical activity + eating right+getting enough sleep etc. I try to improve and live a balanced life, and I have found the best way to do it is taking it one step at a time.
Started with eating more healthy, after a few weeks started going to the gym again and sleeping more and have seen only positive results. Overall I am feeling more better, more confident, feel more rested.