

Legendary member
Something has changed - I don't like the way thumbnails come up now.

Until recently when you clicked the thumbnail you got the picture and then could expand by clicking the + sign. Now you just get the picture up as is with no way of expanding (not that I can find anyway) with a result that the picture is often indistinct.


If you click on it Jon it then should open in a new window.
yeah, it does - but you can't expand it beyond that as you used to be able to.
mine does... When it opens in a new window I get the option to expand it if its bigger than the window with the magnifying glass with the + in it.

yeah, its a cool new way of doing things i think (y)

jon, click the chart once and it will pop up in the new style window click again and it will open in the resizable window, double clicking in the first instance will go straight to the resizable chart.

unless you are in the blogs, in which case a single click brings up the resizable chart.

hope thats what you were after?
:eek: oh yeah - thanks guys - i'm just an old fogey who can't deal with change
i'm with you though Jon, 99 out of 100 you need to enlarge the picture anyhow so might as well go straight to the new window...