When ever I think of the EU, I always think, "And they say Hitler lost the war. I say he's moved to Brussels."
I'm going to say, in all honesty, that I have never wanted to go back to the UK. Whatever you say about the balls up with the currency--- and I admit that it is true---we, I believe, live better here than in the UK.
Don't feel sorry for us, although we have problems to solve, we do not have the social ones that I read about in the UK press.
Now, your above quote about Hitler is just the political claptrap of those who do not want, and have never wanted, to be a part of Europe. The British have, always, looked west in their alliances, even though the US has never done anything for the UK unless it was paid for it.
Read "Alone in Berlin" by Hans Fallada, Penguin. There is no remote comparison between Hitler's Germany and the Germany of today. Believe me or not, The Uk is falling behind, on a social level. That is why the Tottenham riots have taken place.
The British are sitting on the fence, as they have always done. Right now, they are crowing about our financial problems without realising that those that face them are more serious in as much as they have to be cured by social services cuts and tax cuts, just the same.