this is bodering on insider trading,but its not


Hi guys,i know of a company that has the software to moniter forex conversations on facebook and twitter worldwide and because of this they can predict the market correct 70% of the time guaranteed.this will make history and the doors will only be open to the public for a limited time.not everyone will have this access its too powerful.
hmm... all the institutional banks i know of actually have facebook and twitter blocked on the trading floor.
I'm reporting this to the FSA, this definitely looks like illegal insider information.
I'm reporting this to the FSA, this definitely looks like illegal insider information.


You'd better run, this Masquerade guy is going to report you. Unfortunately your company has been stupid enough to include their details on their web registration so I'm pretty sure they will get you for this insider trading thing. You'll probably get 11 years in jail.

The website is registered to "Cy-Yo,Inc" of 189 Boston Street
Middleton, MA 01949-2139

Raj Rajaratnam, hedge fund billionaire, gets 11-year sentence for insider trading - The Washington Post
Hi guys,i know of a company that has the software to moniter forex conversations on facebook and twitter worldwide and because of this they can predict the market correct 70% of the time guaranteed.this will make history and the doors will only be open to the public for a limited time.not everyone will have this access its too powerful.

I really hope you used a made up name and false photo. Those FSA agents will be on your tail in no time.


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FX is an OTC (ie unregulated) market yes?
So there's no such thing as "insider trading" in this context + as you're talking about facebook and twitter, I would argue that this is, essentially, information that's already in the public domain.
Goodm luck to them if true imo.
Hi guys,i know of a company that has the software to moniter forex conversations on facebook and twitter worldwide and because of this they can predict the market correct 70% of the time guaranteed.this will make history and the doors will only be open to the public for a limited time.not everyone will have this access its too powerful.

Hello friends,

I never go on forums, but someone brought this to my attention and I just had to say something.

My name is err, umm, John Smith and I live in, oh, I don't know, let's say London. Yes! London, that's it!

I live in London because I'm a big time teh forex trader in THE CITY making loads of pips. I can tell you that Tawiavda is telling the truth - this is the most powerful thing to hit teh forex since fapturbo. Since I started using this info I have been making a billion pips a day MINIMUM. You too could have riches beyond your wildest dreams, all it takes is 20 minutes per day.

I can't say much more, THE BIG BOYS won't be happy if this AMAZING secret gets out.

You better hurry if you want to get access, there are only 89 places.


Tom Brown (or whatever I said my name was)

P.S. This is a genuine review. I can't thank Mahmoud and Guy enough for all they have stolen from me.


That should read "...for all they have done for me".
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My wife is Danish and her father is a pig farmer - I'm thinking of setting up a similar site to alert people when is the best time to Buy/Sell pigs - the site will be called - be quick because I can only take on 89 subscribers.