The only way is up SP500 FTSE


Junior member
I would not want to be short the SP500....she is heading up to the 2300- 2350 level.
Going to start real soon I feel. Just my opinion.:LOL:

The shorts are going to be taken to the wood shed!!!!! :mad::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
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My trend-following criteria say Buy. Its just a matter of picking your entry price. Nobody should be short still / yet (except maybe some intra-day trades on the right day).
EUR price is very weak and minor USD pairs are strongly up so far today so good probability, yes.
My trend-following criteria say Buy. Its just a matter of picking your entry price. Nobody should be short still / yet (except maybe some intra-day trades on the right day).

Intra Day shorts have been working mostly but at the Moment every Fund manager and his Dog are piling in ;)
If every trader knows the market is going up, and if every trader puts his money where his opinion is, then every trader would be long. If everyone is long today, who will buy tomorrow? Is this not the stuff of a reversal? It just seems classical!
Hi pennycapitalist - Not everyone will be long and not everyone stays long forever. All trends have pull-backs.