The learning curve and the emotional Rollercoaster ride


Wow .. what a couple of weeks its been for me.

Isn't this game simply stunning the way in which you go from emotion to emotion in your learning.
You hit a few winners early on and think you're God ... you come crashing back to Earth with some losses and wonder if its meant to be ... you then do the proper learning and get back in, doing well but then you wanna slap yourself for not trading to your plan and closing a winner WAY too early - i just missed out on 100pts on top of the 150+ i made because i fell in love with the 150.

Share your experiences - how did you get your mindset right, how long did it take you to trade without emotion ?

I made a loser last week defying my own plan to NOT trade the holidays until at least today. Stuck up the printouts of the loser on my wall with a big "FAIL" sign on it so i remember (n)

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