The game


Active member
Here guys,

I found this very interesting article, where I suppressed some passages and modified some words. I did it in word, and there the italics work, but not here. I attach the .doc file so if you want you can get a clue from where I changed the original words.
So the question is: what game is it?

In a post to come I'll give you the original complete article which I found very informative.

Good trading to you all,


World's Greatest Job

For the last two decades, I've lived what many would consider the American dream, earning big bucks while working only part-time. My profession? Trader. ……… I chose this unusual line of work for only one reason -- to make money. Easy money. And I succeeded, becoming one of the top traders in the country.
How did I win in a game where everyone is expected to lose? Or more importantly, is it possible for a reader like you to follow in my footsteps and routinely withdraw money from the market? Contrary to what some people believe, you don't need to be a mathematical genius or play on some highly capitalized account to become the predator instead of the prey…. I'll show how my career refutes these two common misconceptions and how discipline, drive, and persistence were the ticket to my success. These qualities ultimately separate the few who actually make a living at trading from those who frequent the glitzy temples of chance only to help pay the light bill.

The typical Hollywood myth portrays professional traders as walking databanks …….. The truth is that anyone with an average aptitude can learn to trade and become a winning player. I do possess an exceptional memory, but my main strength was a dogged tenaciousness. I read everything by gifted traders who came before me: brilliant men like Livermore and Gann. I absorbed their advice and refined it, extracting every last ounce of theoretical edge traders can gain over the market. Then, before ever opening a trading account, I disciplined myself to play like a machine, honing my skills with over a hundred practice hours at home papertrading, drilling relentlessly until all decisions and calculations became as natural as breathing…...
Confident of my skills, I attacked any market that offered good opportunities, but I quickly realized that playing against one market was the easiest way to beat the game...I disciplined myself to put my money only for the strongest trades, which meant that many days, I spent more time watching the screen, in search of ideal conditions, than trading.


Many view trading as the ideal lifestyle since it combines high profits with the ultimate in flexible hours (as you have the freedom to choose any market around the world). These people gravitate to trading because they want the kind of job where in the morning, when everyone else rolls out of bed, they just roll over. However, trading …. is anything but easy and is not for the faint of heart.

My trading career started out rather humbly. On my first trade I tentatively pushed my maximum bet of ten dollars, knowing my entire bankroll was contained in the thin confines of my wallet. I was fortunate enough to win often those first few years, and my capital steadily grew until I amassed a six-figure bankroll. This enabled me to bet up to one thousand a hand in positive situations, which bumped up against the limits at most spreadbetting firms…..

High commissions can also water down the potential return, so many aspiring traders invariably overbet their bankrolls…..…. That fact, combined with traders making mistakes, sends many home broke and crying for mama.
It's easy to daydream about how you're going to win enough on your next trade to buy that new Porsche. But it's a whole different world when you've been through ten draining days of the worst trades imaginable. It takes a person with steel nerves and a tough veneer to remain unaffected by the kaleidoscope of emotions bombarding potential pros when trading.

A professional trader never wins all the time and I expected to come out ahead about two-thirds of the time…. Yet the losing sessions become etched in your memory far longer than the winning days. I vividly remember when …. I'd accumulated a moderate win only to lose twelve grand in the last ten minutes right before I left for my plane.…….

I never tried to reinvent the wheel and only refined techniques developed by earlier traders.... Unlike casino games such as roulette or craps, which have no memory, the past does affect the future in trading. …..


. Although many of the highly profitable setups have disappeared in the last few years, I've shared my experiences …in this article because the principles for success in trading (or in any other business endeavor) remain the same -- you have to be willing to go the extra mile and work extremely hard to find the best opportunities. For as long as market existed, there have been legal ways to turn the odds and beat it. And even though conditions are deteriorating, I believe the creative and disciplined players will continue to find the markets weaknesses and exploit them.
Very few jobs in the world offer the potential of clearing ten grand by working only one long weekend a month, but it's extremely difficult to actually become a winning trader. I taught myself from a book, but for every successful trader, countless other casualties litter the roadside with empty wallets. To many, my vocation seemed glamorous and "James Bond-like," but in reality it's a damn hard way to make easy money.


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So the question is: what game is it?

Poker or Blackjack ?? :)
You are very near trendie! You have to place your bet. If you win, you get the original article. If you lose, I'll give you a second chance.

I cant see anything in the document to separate the two.
But, on a hunch, I would plump for poker.
( just two reasons, both are vague, and tangential to the doc )
frugi said:
Card counter playing blackjack in a casino?

you didnt put the first sentence of the document into google and see what came up, did you, frugi ??
Of course not. ;)

"How did I win in a game where everyone is expected to lose?" implied casino gambling. (In poker the house only takes the rake and someone is expected to win, so it couldn't be that). The only edge I could think of that did not automatically belong to the casino was in blackjack and in this case the edge can only be transferred to the punter if (s)he counts cards.
dc2000 said:
mmmmhhhh dc2000 you didn't do your homework, if you read carefully:

"I never tried to reinvent the wheel and only refined techniques developed by earlier traders.... Unlike casino games such as roulette or craps, which have no memory, the past does affect the future in trading. ….."

Besides, it is impossible to win at roulette in the long run, unless you have an infinite bank and the casino has no maximum bet limit.
frugi said:
Besides, it is impossible to win at roulette in the long run, unless you have an infinite bank and the casino has no maximum bet limit.

or you're the owner of the casino.
frugi said:

"How did I win in a game where everyone is expected to lose?" ....

I missed that bit.

It had to be gambling, with references such as "temples to chance", "roulette" etc.
Only game that has "memory" is a deck of cards, so it had to be either blackjack or poker, where remembering the cards gone by gives an edge if you can work out which cards remain, and how it alters the odds of which combos can appear.

I thought of poker, only becasue Market Wizards seemed to suggest traders are also good poker players.

Didnt realise until later that in poker you are playing other players, not the casino itself.
Anonymous said:

good shot! But he's talking about the 'past' not the future...

Ok guys, the winner is...


Trendie, you get a especial medal in recognition of your analytical skills.

The article in question can be read here:

Alternatively, you can download the article I attached to this post.

I found this article very enlightening. (I never played blackjack or anything like it. I did play a south-American version of poker, more talkative of course, as in the south we love to talk, but never for money) In my circle of relationships, playing for money is bad. I got into the markets because of the money potential and in particular because it looked difficult (I'm still not sure if it's that I'm just very competitive or I have low self-steem, but I find challenge and motivation in resolving those things that seem to be very difficult for other people). I felt comfortable thinking that buying shares wasn't a bet and it wasn't a game I was playing with money. Every time I won, my knowledge of the markets was being rewarded. Eventually I will get to become a 100% winner. Every bad trade was a blow to my self-confidence and every loss a stab in the heart (Wow, Am I over-dramatic or what? Wait, they're looking for writers in eastenders!) . Of course, for the same reason that I'm very aware of the existence of other people, it was horrible to say: I got into this trade and I was wrong. I am not the brilliant person I could have been for you, you are not going to admire me now. (Seriously, eastenders could be an option). My conscience was clear because I wasn't a gambler, but my performance didn't make me happy. Now, what if I take this as a game of probabilities? I have to sort out my conscience, but suddenly, bad feelings when losing are gone: it's not personal if you've got a bad hand. You withdraw when you know your hand is not good. You bet when you know probabilities are with you. You don't expect to be right all the time. You need to do your homework and learn how to be a good loser, which most of us learnt by playing all sort of games when we were children. I found this view of the market highly useful. I'm not saying that this works for everyone. I'm just saying that it seems to work for me. I'm still a beginner, so I'm still measuring my inherent probability of picking a winner, and I'm still learning how to improve my odds. Sad as it is, I am a gambler ;)

Good trading!

PS: by the way, the conscience issue was resolved by forgiving myself, and by knowing that this doesn't define me as a person. Life got me here, not the other way round.

I almost forgot! Anonymous, you get the third place, so you still get the prize. You can download it.


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Did frugi give the right answer?

Your question was: "what game is it?"

Is the answer "Blackjack" or is it "Card counter playing blackjack in a casino"?

Thread #6: "Card counter playing blackjack in a casino?"

Thread #8 talks about the "edge" and "counting cards".

Thread #10 talks about roulette.
Anonymous said:

Did frugi give the right answer?

Your question was: "what game is it?"

Is the answer "Blackjack" or is it "Card counter playing blackjack in a casino"?

Thread #6: "Card counter playing blackjack in a casino?"

Thread #8 talks about the "edge" and "counting cards".

Thread #10 talks about roulette.

Sorry I wasn't very clear. It is 'card counter playing blackjack' :D

Good trading!

silviaic said:
Sorry I wasn't very clear. It is 'card counter playing blackjack' :D

Good trading!


As a matter of interest, I am reading "Seven Types of Ambiguity" by Elliot Perlman. Part of this deals with a bit of card counting. The expert said that it will not take long for the casino to identify a card counter and he will then (a) be limited to small bets , (b) will be shown the door and banned from re-entry or (c) if the casino is owned by the mafia and you persist in robbing them of their hard earned money then something worse could happen to you.

This makes it seem as if card counting is limited as a career possibility but , if you work quickly before getting spotted, you could make a killing. Changing from one casino to another is also a possibility.

Casinos are there to make a profit, and not to allow the customers to earn too much from the casinos.

If you know your craft then word gets around real fast. They are very unlikely to let you continue winning, if your purpose in going into the casinos is to make money from them.

If all customers can make money from the casinos then the casinos will be out of business.