The British Are Cheats!

I wouldn't get too upset about it. The Olympics are being broadcast in over 200 languages worldwide. Every country's national pride is on display so each highlights their own athletes and finds fault in others. There's always going to be controversy, it's inevitable. I choose to ignore most of it and just enjoy watching the athletes perform at the highest levels. The emotions of both the winners and losers are heartfelt and the amazing performance of athletes like Oscar Pistorius can only be described as inspiring, win or lose.

There will be loads of cheats from many countries. And of course lots that have been caught cheating before.

Let's face it, we cheated to get the bloody thing in the first place. Does anyone believe that the initial budget was genuine?
The article is biased of course, but it does seem to make some valid accusations.

I don't get what people get so worked up about anyway. It's just an athletics meeting when all's said and done.
Why does someone having an opinion that differs from yours make you annoyed? Is it because you think the person is an idiot? If he's an idiot, why be upset at him, he can't help himself? Is it because you feel everyone should agree with you...or that there is a real truth?
Why does someone having an opinion that differs from yours make you annoyed? Is it because you think the person is an idiot? If he's an idiot, why be upset at him, he can't help himself? Is it because you feel everyone should agree with you...or that there is a real truth?

Sure, somebody can have a differing opinion if that opinion is based on empirical fact based evidence. To be contradictory and hypocritical throughout an entire article is not fact based evidence. To say on the one hand that x is a cheat and shouldn't be competing and to totally leave out y who has commited the same offence is so stupid it's laughable.

By all means have a differing opinion but make sure that opinion is right and not a load of total boll**ks
Oscar Pistorius should attend the Paralympic Games...also he comes from South Africa .
Why? He overcame his handicap and proved he can stand with the best athletes in the world.


michael johnson came up with best argument that he shouldnt be running in able bodied though - no lactic acid build up....which is a big problem for all 400m runners towards the end of the race....coincidentally (or not) pistorius' best section.

did you know he comes from south africa?