MP -- little things you DONT know about ECN's
At an ecn broker they charge commission... Why are you going to start to trade with a bot. they all lose on a live feed. Very few are good. Do your self a favor and just keep your money. And if you are really serious about making money in the forex: the right way, find someone to trade it for you(thank is good). "They" say 95% of self traders lose; its more like 98% lose and 2% consistantly make money every month.
while what you say about self traders is "almost" true, the original question was essentially, "which one is best ?"
the "almost" part is the use of the word "traders", because by the time you can actually call yourself a "trader" you will usually have enough experience and information to actually trade profitably --- the level of profit being up to you and who you are. What ACTUALLY happens is that
95 - 98% of NEWBS fall by the wayside, having blown their accounts, BEFORE they become good enough to trade competently and survive !
presently, by a "smidge", IB is to be considered "best" of the ECN's available, with the lowest commissions, BUT
THE POOREST SERVICE ASSISTANCE(some call it "pathetic") and a rather unusual form of accounting and settling trades that one must get used to (3 day settlement) --- not to say they are a problem, but they differ slightly from the other ECN's (direct access brokers) as well as differ from "spread betters" by a whole lot !
I will put forward, as i have posted before, that with all the things said about spread betters, and especially considering the tax angles, free charts and trading platform, what you pay in the spread is more competitive with direct access than you can really imagine ----
i would venture to say, in the macro examination, you are actually WAY AHEAD with a spread better !
this may bring forth some conversation or not, but I would not be so quick to jump into direct access (if youre a daytrader like me, you can easily pay 3 - 400 pounds a day in commissions --- with a spread better, since the spread is built in, you never actually see or feel the charges.
AND of late, the spread is getting wider and the commissions higher on direct access, which is bringing the playing fields closer together.
another thing to remember about direct access is that it is UP TO THE OTHER TRADERS as to whether or not to close your trade at YOUR PRICE --- they can pass right by you if they down like the price or have NO SHARES to buy or sell to you at that price !
its NOT all WINE AND ROSES WITH AN ECN, and there are some very nice spread betters out there (here in the USA what you call spread betters, we call "brokers", and brokers handle the overwhelming majority of the forex market to this day ! (unfortunately for us here, we are taxed on winnings, although allowed to write off our losses against winnings, at least !)
once you know how your "broker" behaves, you simply trade around what they may throw up in your face. Ive been doing it rather well for many years, and have no problems with them at all !
i had a previous post on page one --- it describes more of the differences between sb's and ECN's.
DONT ALWAYS BE SO READY TO LEAVE THE NEST -- sometimes its warmer and more comfortable than you think !
enjoy and trade well