The average size of the wicks on a given number of candles?


Established member
I use pro real time for my charting, does anyone know of any screener for this program or any others that could tell me what the average 'body' is on any given number of candles? I would also like to be able to find out the average size of the wicks? I don't know of anything that could do this or even if its possible, but maybe someone else does?

Many thanks
To be honest I didn't think of putting it into excel, however I wouldn't know where to get the OHLC data from? Obviously I could manually type it in but that would take an age...
Just Eur Usd to start with on a 5min TF and HR TF. For the 5min TF I would probably need the previous days data (288 OHLC) and weeks data (1440 OHLC). I would think I would need the same number of OHLC's for the HR TF.

Its just an idea that I had as a guide to add to my current strategy, I don't know how much use it will be until/if I can get the figures in front of me and see.
I use pro real time for my charting, does anyone know of any screener for this program or any others that could tell me what the average 'body' is on any given number of candles? I would also like to be able to find out the average size of the wicks? I don't know of anything that could do this or even if its possible, but maybe someone else does?
Never used ProRealtime, but ins't there any basic SMA type function available in it?

If I understand you correctly you would be looking for something like SMA((H-L),periods) for the wicks and SMA((ABS(O-C),periods) for the bodies.