Tenfore, Tradestation no volume?

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I cant get Tradestation 2000i realtime to display volume.

I'm using Tenfore for the realtime feed and can see from the Quotespeed s/w that volume is being received by the Tenfore s/w.

I've installed the interface to connect the Global server to Tenfore. This works OK as I'm getting the realtime prices but not the volume.

Tick volume works, but I guess that is Tradestation totallying up the no. of trades.

Anyone else using this combination and can you get volume?

hi all,
can any you post me the QuoteSpeed s/w, and is it the same software that exist in the tenfore.com site or not.. thanx anyhow
I also have the same problem as above but with a different feed. If you go into Globalserver Edit Symbol -> Edit Data -> then load data (tick, 1min or day) look at total volume column. Do you have the numbers there. If so then look at the Easy Language code that makes up the 'Volume' indicator, you might see that it's looking to add Up Volume with Down Volume from separate columns in edit data and not total Volume. Some feeds do not supply this Up or Down Volume. The solution might be to redefine Volume in Easy Language.

2000i Volume updating problem

I'm also having a problem with volume not updating in real time using 2000i and Hyperserver 3.0 and DTN/IQ.

The volume data is definately being saved in the tick file and I can get it to update by switching from a 5 minute back to a 1 minute chart.

But volume will not update the chart or indicators automatically.

There was a work-around mentioned using "ESH7.3C" for the emini symbol, but it will not work for me using DTN symbols.

I am using the latest updates for 2000i. Anyone have a fix or idea for this?


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